Vernon Barber Public Records (49! founded)
Dive into 49 public records available for Vernon Barber – all FREE!
Yankee Group has compiled addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for Vernon Barber. Discover additional names, relatives, and associates tied to Vernon Barber. Review address history and property records.
Vernon J Barber Houston, Texas
Address: 7310 Slippery Elm Ln, Houston 77095, TX
Age: 42
Phone: (832) 767-0159
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Vernon James Barber SR ◆ Vernon Barber ◆ Vernon J Humphrey ◆ Vernon Humprey ◆ Verna Barba ◆ Vernon J Barber SR ◆ Vernon Humphrey Barber ◆ Vernon J Barber ◆ Hemphrey Barber Veron
Possible Identity Matches
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Vernon Barber Milton, Florida
Address: 5324 Jeremy Dr, Milton 32570, FL
Age: 43
Phone: (850) 400-1005
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Vernon Ray Barber JR ◆ Vernon R Barber JR ◆ V R Barber ◆ Vernon R Barber ◆ V Barber ◆ Vernon Barber JR ◆ Vernon Barber ◆ Vernon Barberjr JR ◆ Vernon Barberjr
Possible Name Matches
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Vernon Barber Laurel, Maryland
Address: 9916 Erica Ln, Laurel 20723, MD
Age: 50
Phone: (850) 457-3902
Residential History
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Vernon William Barber JR ◆ Vernon W Barber JR ◆ Vernon Barber ◆ Vernon W Barber ◆ Vern Barber ◆ Vernon W Barberjr JR ◆ Vernon W Barberjr ◆ Vernon Barber JR
Recorded Relations
Known relatives of Vernon Barber in Laurel, Maryland include family and associated partners.
Vernon Barber Minneapolis, Minnesota
Address: 6239 Upton Ave S, Minneapolis 55423, MN
Age: 60
Phone: (952) 798-4649
Individuals Linked to Vernon Barber
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Vernon Sidney Barber Marquette, Michigan
Address: 504 Co Rd BLA, Marquette 49855, MI
Age: 65
Phone: (906) 249-9470
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Vernon Barber ◆ Vern Barber ◆ Vernon S Barber ◆ Vern S Barber
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Vernon Barber Heath, Texas
Address: 506 Scenic Pl, Heath 75032, TX
Age: 66
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Vernon S Barber Fresno, California
Address: 523 E Fremont Ave, Fresno 93710, CA
Age: 70
Phone: (559) 392-2429
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Vernon Barber Church Hill, Tennessee
Address: 523 Tipton Ln, Church Hill 37642, TN
Age: 70
Phone: (423) 357-3136
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Vernon H Barber New Orleans, Louisiana
Address: 721 Patterson Dr, New Orleans 70114, LA
Age: 73
Phone: (815) 978-7287
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Additional Name Variants
Vernon Barber ◆ Vernon L Barber ◆ H Vernon
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Vernon Barber High Point, North Carolina
Address: 3509 Ramsay St, High Point 27265, NC
Age: 73
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Vernon H Barber Genesee, Pennsylvania
Address: 2228 Peet Brook Rd, Genesee 16923, PA
Age: 83
Phone: (814) 228-3459
Different Name Records Found
Vernon Barber ◆ Vernon H Barber
Public Records Matches
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Vernon L Barber Owingsville, Kentucky
Address: 637 E High St, Owingsville 40360, KY
Age: 84
Phone: (606) 498-9672
Family & Associated Records
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Vernon Barber Burtrum, Minnesota
Address: 20818 Flicker Trail, Burtrum 56318, MN
Age: 86
Phone: (320) 547-2173
Known Connections
Partial list of relatives for Vernon Barber in Burtrum, Minnesota: parents, siblings, and partners.
Vernon L Barber Little Falls, Minnesota
Address: 204 5th St NW, Little Falls 56345, MN
Age: 86
Phone: (320) 360-9539
Cross-Checked Individuals
Some of Vernon L Barber's relatives in Little Falls, Minnesota include parents, siblings, and spouses.
Vernon W Barber Longville, Louisiana
Address: 166 Memorial Church Rd, Longville 70652, LA
Age: 86
Recorded Relations
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Vernon L Barber Odenville, Alabama
Address: 2720 Co Rd 12, Odenville 35120, AL
Age: 87
Phone: (205) 629-9655
Possible Related Individuals
Possible relatives of Vernon L Barber in Odenville, Alabama: parents, siblings, and spouses.
Vernon L Barber Fort Bragg, California
Address: 19000 Pine Tree Ln, Fort Bragg 95437, CA
Age: 87
Phone: (707) 961-5424
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Vernon H Barber Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Address: 1500 Deerfield Rd, Eau Claire 54701, WI
Age: 88
Phone: (715) 262-3458
Home Locations from the Past
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Vernon H Barber JR ◆ Vernon Barber ◆ V H Barber JR ◆ V H Barber ◆ Vern Barber JR
Cross-Checked Individuals
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Vernon H Barber Cottonwood, Arizona
Address: 1820 S Contention Ln, Cottonwood 86326, AZ
Age: 89
Phone: (928) 634-0676
Potential Associations
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Vernon E Barber Baltimore, Ohio
Address: 820 N Walnut St, Baltimore 43105, OH
Age: 89
Phone: (614) 492-9287
Former Places Lived
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E Barber ◆ Vernon Barber ◆ Vernon P Barber ◆ V E Barber ◆ Judith Dockery
Possible Name Matches
Some relatives of Vernon E Barber in Baltimore, Ohio include parents, siblings, and life partners.
Vernon L Barber North Port, Florida
Address: 645 El Tango, North Port 34287, FL
Known Connections
Some recorded relatives of Vernon L Barber in North Port, Florida include parents and siblings.
Vernon H Barber Bliss, New York
Address: 2778 W Hill Rd, Bliss 14024, NY
Phone: (585) 322-7659
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Vernon Barber Milton, Florida
Address: 5955 Pineywoods Pl, Milton 32570, FL
Profiles Connected to Vernon Barber
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Vernon Barber Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Address: 3021 Lakewood Dr, Fergus Falls 56537, MN
Phone: (605) 345-3824
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Vernon W Barber Longville, Louisiana
Address: 9526 Hwy 171, Longville 70652, LA
Phone: (337) 725-3695
Possible Matches
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Vernon Barber Montgomery, Minnesota
Address: 488 N Welco Dr, Montgomery 56069, MN
Phone: (507) 661-0030
Connected Records & Names
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Vernon Barber Lubbock, Texas
Address: 2410 97th St, Lubbock 79423, TX
Phone: (972) 551-1589
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Vernon Barber Fresno, California
Address: 697 W Fremont Ave, Fresno 93704, CA
Individuals Linked to Vernon Barber
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Vernon William Barber Lawrence, Massachusetts
Address: 5 Debbie Ln, Lawrence 01843, MA
Phone: (978) 794-1936
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Vernon Barber Baldwin, Florida
Address: 419 Palm Ave, Baldwin 32234, FL
Phone: (904) 266-9786
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