Shawn Barr Public Records (60! founded)
Researching Shawn Barr? Here are 60 FREE public records.
The Yankee Group database provides detailed contact records for Shawn Barr, including phone numbers and emails. Search for hidden aliases, family relationships, and social or professional ties of Shawn Barr. Review address history and property records.
Shawn R Barr Decatur, Michigan
Address: 460 Douglas Dr, Decatur 49045, MI
Age: 27
Phone: (708) 833-5349
Previous Addresses
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Similar Name Listings
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Shawn Robert Barr SR ◆ Shawn Barr ◆ Shawn R Barr SR ◆ Shawn R Barr
Possible Relations
Available information on Shawn R Barr's family in Decatur, Michigan includes close relatives.
Shawn L Barr Grand Rapids, Michigan
Address: 148 Lowell Ave NE, Grand Rapids 49503, MI
Age: 27
Known Connections
Some known relatives of Shawn L Barr in Grand Rapids, Michigan are listed below.
Shawn T Barr Dover, Delaware
Address: 4643B Maine Dr, Dover 19901, DE
Age: 30
Historical Name Connections
Some family members of Shawn T Barr in Dover, Delaware are recorded below.
Shawn Barr Eatonton, Georgia
Address: 322 Willie Bailey St, Eatonton 31024, GA
Age: 36
Phone: (706) 485-5458
Past Locations
Relevant Connections
Family records for Shawn Barr in Eatonton, Georgia include parents, siblings, and partners.
Shawn A Barr Cedar Hill, Missouri
Address: 9045 Hickory Dr, Cedar Hill 63016, MO
Age: 37
Phone: (636) 285-9499
Recognized Name Matches
Some relatives of Shawn A Barr in Cedar Hill, Missouri include parents, siblings, and life partners.
Shawn Barr Clay City, Indiana
Address: 1203 Lankford St, Clay City 47841, IN
Age: 39
Phone: (812) 223-6027
Known Former Residences
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AKA & Related Names
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Shawn Allen Barr SR ◆ Shawn Varr ◆ Shawn A Bann ◆ Shawn A Barr SR ◆ Shawn Barr ◆ Shawn D Barr ◆ Shawn Barre ◆ Shawna Bann ◆ Kimberly Fisher
Historical Relationship Matches
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Shawn Barr Berkeley, California
Address: 6880 Buckingham Blvd, Berkeley 94705, CA
Age: 40
Relevant Record Matches
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Shawn Barr Concord, North Carolina
Address: 208 Andrews St NW, Concord 28027, NC
Age: 42
Potential Personal Associations
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Shawn G Barr Gold Hill, North Carolina
Address: 1081 State Rd 2349, Gold Hill 28071, NC
Age: 42
Phone: (704) 279-2485
Address Records
The following addresses have been recorded in public records as linked to this individual.
Names Used in Public Records
Shawn Barr ◆ Shawn M Barr ◆ Shawn Bar
Identified Connections
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Shawn S Barr Chesterfield, Virginia
Address: 12324 Beach Rd, Chesterfield 23838, VA
Age: 49
Phone: (931) 646-0922
Previous Places of Residence
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Shawn Barr
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Shawn Ravin Barr Clarkton, North Carolina
Address: 236 White Plains Church Rd, Clarkton 28433, NC
Age: 50
Phone: (910) 633-4292
Address Records
Similar Name Listings
Shawn Varr ◆ Barr Shawn ◆ Shawn Barr
Identified Connections
Some of Shawn Ravin Barr's relatives in Clarkton, North Carolina include parents, siblings, and spouses.
Shawn Barr Argyle, Texas
Address: 7901 Tudor Ln, Argyle 76226, TX
Age: 50
Phone: (972) 874-1549
Past Locations
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Other Name Records
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Barr Shawn ◆ Shawn Barr ◆ S Barr ◆ Shawna Barr ◆ Shawn A Barr ◆ Shewn Barr
Relevant Connections
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Shawn A Barr Covington, Louisiana
Address: 13221 Boyd Rd, Covington 70435, LA
Age: 50
Phone: (985) 892-7719
Individuals Linked to Shawn A Barr
Available information on Shawn A Barr's family in Covington, Louisiana includes close relatives.
Shawn D Barr Canton, Ohio
Address: 7675 Panther Ave NE, Canton 44721, OH
Age: 52
Recorded Identity Matches
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Shawn David Barr Barberton, Ohio
Address: 499 Fairview Ave, Barberton 44203, OH
Age: 52
Phone: (330) 329-6061
Recorded Identity Matches
Explore known family ties of Shawn David Barr in Barberton, Ohio, including parents and siblings.
Shawn Barr Creston, North Carolina
Address: 3192 State Rd 1320, Creston 28615, NC
Age: 54
Possible Matches
Listed relatives of Shawn Barr in Creston, North Carolina include family members and spouses.
Shawn D Barr Lansing, Michigan
Address: 528 Iris Ave, Lansing 48917, MI
Age: 55
Phone: (517) 204-1858
Shared Name Records
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Shawn Barr Davison, Michigan
Address: 711 W 2nd St, Davison 48423, MI
Age: 58
Phone: (810) 412-6717
Relationship Records
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Shawn D Barr Damascus, Virginia
Address: 20208 Klondyke Rd, Damascus 24236, VA
Age: 59
Phone: (276) 475-5463
Possible Personal Links
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Shawn Robert Barr Decatur, Michigan
Address: 113 W St Marys St, Decatur 49045, MI
Age: 60
Listed Associations
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Shawn Robert Barr Decatur, Michigan
Address: 460 Douglas Dr, Decatur 49045, MI
Age: 60
Profiles Connected to Shawn Robert Barr
Known relatives of Shawn Robert Barr in Decatur, Michigan may include parents and life partners.
Shawn Barr Lane, South Carolina
Address: 25 Basic Ave, Lane 29564, SC
Age: 61
Phone: (678) 778-1517
Last Known Addresses
Based on public records, this person has been linked to the addresses listed here.
Various Name Spellings
Shawn Barr ◆ Shawn J Barr
Registered Connections
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Shawn M Barr Jackson, Ohio
Address: 227 Florence Ave, Jackson 45640, OH
Age: 62
Phone: (740) 286-5871
Noteworthy Associations
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Shawn M Barr Jackson, Ohio
Address: 775 Webb Pierce Rd, Jackson 45640, OH
Age: 62
Phone: (740) 286-1546
Individuals Linked to Shawn M Barr
Explore known family members of Shawn M Barr in Jackson, Ohio, including siblings and partners.
Shawn L Barr Lakewood, Colorado
Address: 7435 W Calahan Ave, Lakewood 80232, CO
Age: 63
Phone: (720) 232-6029
Formerly Known Addresses
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Aliases & Other Names
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Shawn L Baker ◆ Shawn L Angelopulos ◆ Shawn Barr ◆ Shawn Baker
Potential Name Connections
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Shawn C Barr Gainesville, Virginia
Address: 6928 Village Stream Pl, Gainesville 20155, VA
Age: 63
Phone: (703) 754-2586
Individuals Possibly Linked
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Shawn N Barr Kansas City, Missouri
Address: 8035 N Brooklyn Ave, Kansas City 64118, MO
Phone: (816) 436-1223
Associated Names
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Shawn Barr Denver, Colorado
Address: 1599 Williams St, Denver 80218, CO
Phone: (303) 355-0093
Known Connections
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Shawn Barr Duncanville, Texas
Address: 431 Silver Creek Dr, Duncanville 75137, TX
Phone: (972) 296-5451
Available Name Associations
Family records for Shawn Barr in Duncanville, Texas include parents, siblings, and partners.
Shawn A Barr House Springs, Missouri
Address: 5611 Verdant Dr, House Springs 63051, MO
Phone: (636) 376-4049
Documented Associations
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