Santa Cruz Public Records (170! founded)
Looking up Santa Cruz? Here are 170 FREE public records.
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Santa Cruz Bakersfield, California
Address: 1700 Oregon St, Bakersfield 93305, CA
Age: 47
Phone: (661) 889-4031
Previously Known Addresses
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Names Previously Used
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Henry Santa Cruz ◆ Angelina Santa Cruz ◆ Henry Rey Santacruz ◆ Henry R Santacruz ◆ Henry Santacruz ◆ Cruz S Santa ◆ Cruz H Santa ◆ Cruz Santa ◆ H Santa Cruz ◆ Henry R Santa ◆ Angelina T Santacruz ◆ Henry Cruz ◆ Angelina Cruz
Individuals in Record Network
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Santa Cruz Bakersfield, California
Address: 3228 Chester Ln, Bakersfield 93304, CA
Age: 59
Phone: (661) 281-7382
Identified Public Relations
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Santa T Cruz Brentwood, California
Address: 956 N Estates Dr, Brentwood 94513, CA
Age: 61
Phone: (925) 634-4423
People with Possible Links
Known relatives of Santa T Cruz in Brentwood, California include family and spouses.
Santa Cruz Bradenton, Florida
Address: 6107 Coral Way, Bradenton 34207, FL
Age: 63
Phone: (941) 708-0056
Linked Individuals
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Santa Cruz Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi
Address: 499 Dan M Russell Dr, Bay Saint Louis 39520, MS
Age: 64
Phone: (870) 338-3248
Documented Residential History
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Other Identities & Nicknames
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John Santa Cruz ◆ John R Santa Cruz ◆ John R Santacruz SR ◆ John R Santa Cruz SR ◆ R Santa John ◆ John R Santacruz ◆ John Cruz ◆ John Santacruz ◆ John R Cruz ◆ John R S Cruz ◆ John Santa Cruzjohn ◆ John R Santa ◆ Cruzjohn R Santa ◆ Cruz Santa ◆ J Santa Cruz ◆ John Rsanta Cruz ◆ John Randall Santa Cruz ◆ John R Santa-Cruz ◆ John R Atty Santa ◆ Katherine A Cruz ◆ Katherine A Santa Cruz ◆ Cruz J Santa ◆ John Cruz SR ◆ John Santa-Cruz ◆ John Santa Cruz SR ◆ John Santa ◆ John Santa SR
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Santa M Cruz Atlantic City, New Jersey
Address: 316 N Harrisburg Ave, Atlantic City 08401, NJ
Age: 64
Recorded Relations
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Santa Cruz Boston, Massachusetts
Address: 8 Irwin Ave, Boston 02119, MA
Age: 64
Phone: (857) 445-9657
Old Residence Records
Confirmed Name Associations
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Santa Cruz Bronx, New York
Address: 2407 Butler Pl, Bronx 10461, NY
Age: 65
Phone: (718) 892-2856
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Santa Cruz Bronx, New York
Address: 1555 Bryant Ave, Bronx 10460, NY
Age: 74
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Santa Cruz Brooklyn, New York
Address: 244 Bond St, Brooklyn 11217, NY
Age: 81
Phone: (718) 935-1234
Identified Connections
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Santa Cruz Banning, California
Address: 619 W Christie St, Banning 92220, CA
Known Connections
Family records of Santa Cruz in Banning, California may include parents and siblings.
Santa Jean Cruz Alameda, California
Address: 221 Galway Bay, Alameda 94502, CA
Phone: (510) 865-7058
Past Residential Locations
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Santa D Cruz Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Address: 715 Dellwood St, Bethlehem 18018, PA
Phone: (610) 317-9316
Individuals Linked to Santa D Cruz
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Santa Cruz Big Spring, Texas
Address: 701 NW 9th St, Big Spring 79720, TX
Identified Connections
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Santa Cruz Biloxi, Mississippi
Address: 18301 Fairway View Dr, Biloxi 39532, MS
Phone: (228) 392-4167
Historical Addresses
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Santa Cruz Biloxi, Mississippi
Address: 2275 Baywood Dr, Biloxi 39532, MS
Phone: (228) 875-2002
Individuals Linked to Santa Cruz
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Santa C Cruz Binghamton, New York
Address: 15 Cohoes St, Binghamton 13903, NY
Phone: (607) 785-9394
Address Records
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Santa Cruz Boston, Massachusetts
Address: 4 Granfield Ave, Boston 02131, MA
Verified Relations
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Santa M Cruz Boulder, Colorado
Address: 2900 Aurora Ave, Boulder 80303, CO
Phone: (303) 417-1639
Associated Names
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Santa Cruz Bronx, New York
Address: 1155 Gerard Ave, Bronx 10452, NY
Phone: (718) 681-6358
Possible Family & Associates
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Santa Cruz Bell, California
Address: 6309 Walker Ave, Bell 90201, CA
Phone: (323) 562-1493
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Santa Cruz Alexandria, Virginia
Address: 45 Kennedy St, Alexandria 22305, VA
Phone: (602) 867-5026
Address History Records
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Santa Cruz Amsterdam, New York
Address: 38 Division St, Amsterdam 12010, NY
Phone: (518) 843-5572
Possible Identity Matches
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Santa C Cruz Atlanta, Georgia
Address: 6035 Canaan Woods Dr SW, Atlanta 30331, GA
Phone: (404) 344-3734
Linked Individuals
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Santa M Cruz Atlantic City, New Jersey
Address: 14 N Sovereign Ave, Atlantic City 08401, NJ
Phone: (609) 347-1820
Possible Personal Links
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Santa M Cruz Atlantic City, New Jersey
Address: 525 N New York Ave, Atlantic City 08401, NJ
Phone: (609) 348-5927
Family & Associated Records
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Santa Ana Cruz Austin, Texas
Address: 5547 Pine Pl, Austin 78744, TX
Phone: (512) 451-7227
Relationship Records
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Santa Cruz Austin, Texas
Address: 1414 W Braker Ln, Austin 78758, TX
Phone: (512) 789-0494
Cross-Checked Individuals
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Santa Cruz Bakersfield, California
Address: 2806 Hines Way, Bakersfield 93304, CA
Phone: (661) 917-8780
Possible Family & Associates
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Santa Cruz Bakersfield, California
Address: 6808 Segura Way, Bakersfield 93309, CA
Phone: (661) 834-9318
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