Rosetta Karnes Public Records (4! founded)

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Rosetta L Karnes Utica, Michigan

Address: 8310 Hall Rd, Utica 48317, MI

Age: 50

Phone: (586) 604-6907

Former Living Locations

Public data suggests these addresses have been linked to this person over time.

8310 Hall Rd, Utica, MI 48317
273 Southbound Gratiot Ave, Mt Clemens, MI 48043
35 S Groesbeck Hwy #A10, Mt Clemens, MI 48043
342 Coachman Dr #2C, Troy, MI 48083
15645 Lakeside Village Dr #306, Charter Twp of Clinton, MI 48038
15645 Lakeside Village Dr #302, Charter Twp of Clinton, MI 48038
15645 Lakeside Village Dr #206, Charter Twp of Clinton, MI 48038
43200 Carlyle Pl #434C, Clinton Twp, MI 48038
43200 Carlyle Pl #432C, Clinton Twp, MI 48038
178 N Christine Cir, Mt Clemens, MI 48043

Possible Name Matches

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Rosetta Nietubicz Rosetta Karnes Rosetta Lynn Nietubicz Rosetta L Nietubicz Rosetta L Karnes Rosetta Lynn Karens Rosetta L Karles Lynn Karnes

Relevant Record Matches

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Rosetta H Karnes Orangeville, Pennsylvania

Address: 407 Main St, Orangeville 17859, PA

Age: 71

Phone: (570) 784-2674

Historical Address Listings

The following addresses have been recorded in public records as linked to this individual.

2428 3rd St, Bloomsburg, PA 17815
36 Beaver Pl, Danville, PA 17821
30 Shelley Street, Danville, PA 17821
11 Beaver Pl, Danville, PA 17821
32 Kriner Street, Danville, PA 17821
3428 3rd St, Bloomsburg, PA 17815

Other Reported Names

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Rosetta Karnes Rosetta A Karnes Rosetta H Karns Ms Rosetta Karnes

Identified Public Relations

Family records for Rosetta H Karnes in Orangeville, Pennsylvania include parents, siblings, and partners.

Extended Person Profile
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Rosetta Karnes Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania

Address: 2428 3rd St, Bloomsburg 17815, PA

Age: 71

Phone: (570) 784-2674

Documented Associations

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