Rita Sandor Public Records (6! founded)
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Rita M Sandor Corona, California
Address: 3095 Timberline Dr, Corona 92882, CA
Age: 74
Phone: (951) 280-0026
Publicly Listed Relations
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Rita Sandor Prescott Valley, Arizona
Address: 1369 Kettle Hill Rd, Prescott Valley 86314, AZ
Age: 88
Phone: (928) 775-8288
Possible Matches
Family details for Rita Sandor in Prescott Valley, Arizona include some known relatives.
Rita D Sandor Stamford, Connecticut
Address: 71 Wascussee Ln, Stamford 06902, CT
Phone: (203) 964-8439
Former Addresses
Name Variations
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Alison Rita Sandor ◆ Alison R Sandor ◆ Alison Sandor ◆ A Sandor
Linked Individuals
Some relatives of Rita D Sandor in Stamford, Connecticut include parents, siblings, and life partners.
Rita Sandor Greenwich, Connecticut
Address: 17 Fado Ln, Greenwich 06807, CT
Phone: (203) 869-0352
Associated Individuals
Known relatives of Rita Sandor in Greenwich, Connecticut may include parents and life partners.
Rita Sandor Plano, Texas
Address: 3105 McBee Dr, Plano 75025, TX
Phone: (972) 241-9144
Individuals Possibly Linked
Find relatives of Rita Sandor in Plano, Texas from the available family records.
Rita D Sandor Sherman, Connecticut
Address: 3 Fox Run, Sherman 06784, CT
Phone: (860) 354-6610
Potential Associations
Listed relatives of Rita D Sandor in Sherman, Connecticut include family members and spouses.