Patti Barber Public Records (24! founded)
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Patti J Barber Rollins, Montana
Address: 39227 Shelter Bay Ln, Rollins 59931, MT
Age: 57
Phone: (702) 614-7067
Past Residential Locations
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Alternate Names & Maiden Names
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Patti J Taylor ◆ Pattijo Barber ◆ Pj Barber ◆ Patti Barber ◆ Patti Jo Taylor ◆ Patti Taylor ◆ P Barber ◆ Patti J Barber ◆ Barber Pj
Possible Identity Matches
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Patti Barber Collingswood, New Jersey
Address: 645 Park Ave, Collingswood 08108, NJ
Age: 59
Possible Registered Names
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Patti Barber Nettleton, Mississippi
Address: 144 W Main St, Nettleton 38858, MS
Age: 61
Phone: (662) 213-0754
Confirmed Public Connections
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Patti Barber Houston, Texas
Address: 719 Marne Ln, Houston 77090, TX
Age: 64
Phone: (281) 440-9461
Documented Associations
Known relatives of Patti Barber in Houston, Texas may include parents and life partners.
Patti H Barber Tifton, Georgia
Address: 29 Springfield Dr, Tifton 31794, GA
Age: 65
Phone: (229) 386-9614
Different Name Records Found
Ms Patti A Barber ◆ Ms Patti H Barber
Possible Identity Associations
Some of Patti H Barber's relatives in Tifton, Georgia include parents, siblings, and spouses.
Patti J Barber South Lyon, Michigan
Address: 61745 Valley Forge Dr, South Lyon 48178, MI
Age: 66
Registered Connections
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Patti A Barber Vicksburg, Mississippi
Address: 801 Clay St, Vicksburg 39183, MS
Age: 67
Phone: (601) 456-4379
Address Lookup History
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Known By Other Names
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Patricia Barber ◆ Patty Russo ◆ Patti Britton ◆ Patty Barber ◆ Patti A Britton ◆ Patti Button ◆ Patricia A Barber ◆ Patricia A Feil ◆ Patti Barber
Recorded Family Links
Possible family members of Patti A Barber in Vicksburg, Mississippi: parents, siblings, and spouses.
Patti W Barber Statesboro, Georgia
Address: 100 Tiffany Ct, Statesboro 30458, GA
Age: 67
Phone: (912) 489-1714
Registered Home Addresses
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Listed Name Variations
Mary P Barber ◆ Patti Barber ◆ Mary Barber
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Patti A Barber San Jose, California
Address: 1579 Inverness Cir, San Jose 95124, CA
Age: 68
Phone: (408) 269-7023
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Patti L Barber El Paso, Texas
Address: 11656 Stockmeyer Dr, El Paso 79936, TX
Age: 69
Phone: (915) 857-5559
Possible Name Matches
Known family members of Patti L Barber in El Paso, Texas include some relatives and partners.
Patti Jo Barber Saranac, Michigan
Address: 320 Summit St, Saranac 48881, MI
Age: 69
Other Possible Name Combinations
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Ms Patty J Barber ◆ Ms Pat Barber ◆ Ms Patti J Barber ◆ Ms Patti Jo Barber
Possible Cross-Connections
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Patti J Barber Ionia, Michigan
Address: 422 Johnson St, Ionia 48846, MI
Age: 69
Phone: (734) 578-5843
Past Living Locations
These addresses appear in public sources as previously recorded locations for this person.
Names Used in Public Records
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Patty J Barber ◆ Patti Barber ◆ P Barber ◆ Patti Jo Barber ◆ Patti J Barber
Potential Associations
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Patti K Barber Lincoln, Nebraska
Address: 3211 S 83rd St, Lincoln 68506, NE
Age: 69
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Patti Barber Sioux City, Iowa
Address: 4512 Cherrywood Ln, Sioux City 51106, IA
Age: 70
Phone: (712) 277-8252
Identified Links
Listed relatives of Patti Barber in Sioux City, Iowa include family members and spouses.
Patti A Barber Albany, Oregon
Address: 35032 Oakville Rd SW, Albany 97321, OR
Age: 72
Phone: (541) 420-9357
Possible Matches
Some recorded relatives of Patti A Barber in Albany, Oregon include parents and siblings.
Patti A Barber Duluth, Minnesota
Address: 1122 97th Ave W, Duluth 55808, MN
Age: 74
Phone: (218) 626-1163
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Patti L Barber Palmer, Alaska
Address: 17367 E Melin Rd, Palmer 99645, AK
Age: 76
Phone: (907) 745-4446
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Patti Barber Fort Pierce, Florida
Address: 108 Easy St, Fort Pierce 34982, FL
Age: 88
Publicly Listed Relations
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Patti G Barber Ogden, Utah
Address: 4685 Porter Ave, Ogden 84403, UT
Phone: (801) 476-8041
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Patti Barber Casper, Wyoming
Address: 2835 Desmet Dr, Casper 82604, WY
Phone: (307) 899-2823
Potential Associations
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Patti J Barber Novi, Michigan
Address: 234 Linhart St, Novi 48377, MI
Phone: (248) 669-4999
Cross-Referenced Individuals
Known relatives of Patti J Barber in Novi, Michigan include family and spouses.
Patti Barber Arlington, Texas
Address: 2609 Melbourne Ct, Arlington 76013, TX
Phone: (817) 446-4417
Shared Name Records
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Patti Barber Gillette, Wyoming
Address: 1000 Jackson, Gillette 82718, WY
Recognized Name Matches
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Patti Barber Casper, Wyoming
Address: 118 N Jackson St, Casper 82601, WY
People with Possible Links
Some recorded relatives of Patti Barber in Casper, Wyoming include parents and siblings.