Patrick Granda Public Records (3! founded)

A total of 3 FREE public records exist for Patrick Granda.

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Patrick Granda Whittier, California

Address: 12502 Carmenita Rd, Whittier 90605, CA

Age: 72

Phone: (562) 862-5689

Where They Lived Before

According to state records, this person has been connected to these addresses.

8870 Lindell Ave #5, Downey, CA 90240
7923 Santa Fe Ave, Huntington Park, CA 90255
14225 Imperial Hwy, La Mirada, CA 90638
14403 Manecita Dr, La Mirada, CA 90638
2404 Nutwood Ave #B21, Fullerton, CA 92831
5112 Cecilia St, Cudahy, CA 90201
5813 Quinn St, Bell Gardens, CA 90201
5608 River Way #F, Buena Park, CA 90621
5630 Cecilia St, Bell Gardens, CA 90201
9111 Mel Dar Ave, Downey, CA 90240

Aliases, Nicknames & Other Names

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Patrick Granda Granda Patrick Patricio Charles Granda Pat Granda Patricio Granda Patricio F Granda Patrick F Granda Patrick F Granada Enrique J Farias Patrick Grande Enrique Farias Jimenez

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Patrick P Granda La Mirada, California

Address: 14403 Manecita Dr, La Mirada 90638, CA

Age: 72

Phone: (714) 403-0220

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Patrick Granda Downey, California

Address: 12274 Montgomery St, Downey 90242, CA

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