Patricia Devor Public Records (6! founded)

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Patricia A Devor Holden, Missouri

Address: 923 NW 1571st Rd, Holden 64040, MO

Age: 55

Phone: (816) 633-4226

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Patricia Fuller Devor Altamonte Springs, Florida

Address: 751 Cove Way, Altamonte Springs 32714, FL

Age: 75

Phone: (407) 772-0512

Historical Residence Records

This list contains addresses from public databases where this individual has been mentioned.

751 Cove Way, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
4401 Seaboard Rd, Orlando, FL 32808
6360 Raleigh St #1712, Orlando, FL 32835
3015 Coast Line Dr, Orlando, FL 32808
6360 Raleigh St #1711, Orlando, FL 32835
3164 Berridge Ln, Orlando, FL 32812
671 Montego Bay Ct, Winter Park, FL 32792
4354 Longbow Dr, Titusville, FL 32796
2270 Mountain Spruce St, Ocoee, FL 34761
1051 S Hiawassee Rd #2133, Orlando, FL 32835

Other Known Names

Alternate names found in records, including legal name changes.

Patricia F Devor Patricia L Brockett Pat L Brockett Patricia Devor P Devor Patricia Devor Fuller Pat Brockett

Profiles Connected to Patricia Fuller Devor

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Patricia Devor Holden, Missouri

Address: 915 NW 1571st Rd, Holden 64040, MO

Phone: (816) 728-3802

Recognized Name Matches

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Patricia Devor Linden, California

Address: 29600 E Shelton Rd, Linden 95236, CA

Phone: (209) 703-0144

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Patricia C Devor New Freedom, Pennsylvania

Address: 3015 Knoll Dr, New Freedom 17349, PA

Phone: (717) 227-2667

Possible Personal Links

Possible family members of Patricia C Devor in New Freedom, Pennsylvania: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Patricia L Devor Orlando, Florida

Address: 6360 Raleigh St, Orlando 32835, FL

Phone: (407) 292-7643

Historical Relationship Matches

Known family members of Patricia L Devor in Orlando, Florida: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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