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Nadine G Hauf Allen, Texas

Address: 1008 Wimberly Ct, Allen 75013, TX

Age: 53

Phone: (469) 307-3366

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Nadine G Hauf Allen, Texas

Address: 1813 San Leanna Dr, Allen 75013, TX

Age: 53

Phone: (972) 359-1255

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Nadine G Hauf Dallas, Texas

Address: 6533 Clearhaven Cir, Dallas 75248, TX

Phone: (972) 386-6295

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Nadine G Hauf Plano, Texas

Address: 3500 Estacado Ln, Plano 75025, TX

Phone: (972) 712-6276

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Nadine Hauf Round Rock, Texas

Address: 1610 Academy Pl, Round Rock 78664, TX

Phone: (512) 238-7649

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