Manrique Serna Public Records (2! founded)

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Manrique J Serna JR Houston, Texas

Address: 1802 Sonoma Trail Dr, Houston 77049, TX

Age: 42

Phone: (281) 802-5056

Recorded Addresses

These locations have appeared in state records as previously associated with this person.

12838 Ticonderoga Rd #A, Houston, TX 77044
6347 Perch Creek Dr, Houston, TX 77049
7723 Dayton St, Houston, TX 77012
7818 Swiftwater Ln, Houston, TX 77075

Name History & Changes

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Manrique J Serna Manrique Serna JR Manrique Serna Sernajr Manrique JR Serna Manrique

Possible Matches

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Manrique I Serna Houston, Texas

Address: 7818 Swiftwater Ln, Houston 77075, TX

Age: 42

Phone: (713) 991-4295

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