Jeffrey Papirtis Public Records (3! founded)

Searching for Jeffrey Papirtis? We found 3 public records.

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Jeffrey Robert Papirtis Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Address: 3101 Carlton Way, Oklahoma City 73120, OK

Age: 44

Phone: (918) 720-5213

Past Locations

Public records indicate that this person has been linked to the following addresses.

3101 Carlton Way, Oklahoma City, OK 73120
2112 Andover Ct, Oklahoma City, OK 73120
18706 E 49th St, Tulsa, OK 74134
18706 E 49th Pl S, Tulsa, OK 74134
303 Lake View Way NW, Leesburg, VA 20176
400 Squires Landing Blvd #47F, Stillwater, OK 74074

Various Name Spellings

Jeff N Papirijs Jeffrey Papirtis Jeff R Papirits

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Jeffrey Robert Papirtis Tulsa, Oklahoma

Address: 18706 E 49th Pl S, Tulsa 74134, OK

Age: 44

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Jeffrey Papirtis Tulsa, Oklahoma

Address: 18706 E 49th St, Tulsa 74134, OK

Phone: (918) 619-6591

Individuals Possibly Linked

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