James Sharpless Public Records (47! founded)

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James Sharpless Lafayette, Louisiana

Address: 400 E Peck Blvd, Lafayette 70508, LA

Age: 30

Phone: (337) 344-5400

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James M Sharpless Greer, South Carolina

Address: 1 Meadowgold Ln, Greer 29651, SC

Age: 47

Phone: (864) 879-8092

Former Living Locations

101 Conner Dr, Greer, SC 29651

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James G Sharpless Marietta, Georgia

Address: 3317 W Somerset Ct SE, Marietta 30067, GA

Age: 55

Phone: (770) 541-0258

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Mr James Greg Sharpless Mr J Gregory Sharpless Mr James Gregory sharpless Mr James Sharoless Mr Gregory Sharpless Mr James Lamar Sharpless Mr James G Sharpless Mr Greg James Sharpless Mr Greg Sharpless

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James Grant Sharpless Akron, Ohio

Address: 5764 Myers Rd, Akron 44319, OH

Age: 57

Phone: (330) 882-2446

Prior Registered Addresses

Public data lists these addresses as locations connected to this person.

247 Hawk Ave #2, Akron, OH 44312
1250 Clifton Ave, Akron, OH 44310
92 Fenton Ave, Mogadore, OH 44260
3439 Curtis St, Mogadore, OH 44260
1321 Center Rd, Clinton, OH 44216

Known By Other Names

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Jim Sharpless James Sharpless James L Sharpless Jim G Sharpless

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James Douglas Sharpless Garner, North Carolina

Address: 164 Christine Dr, Garner 27529, NC

Age: 64

Phone: (919) 359-0655

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James D Sharpless Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

Address: 1612 19th St, Beaver Falls 15010, PA

Age: 66

Phone: (724) 312-9703

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James M Sharpless Millville, New Jersey

Address: 1224 E Broad St, Millville 08332, NJ

Age: 67

Phone: (856) 825-4878

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James L Sharpless Jr Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Address: 19818 Creek Round Ave, Baton Rouge 70817, LA

Age: 69

Phone: (225) 751-4252

Prior Residences

The addresses listed below are associated with this individual according to public sources.

2919 Laurel Plantation Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70820
19222 Indian Ridge Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70817
809 Maxine Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
6595 Pikes Ln, Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Different Names Used

Aliases, misspellings, and other possible name variations.

James Lynford Sharpless Jl Sharpless Lynn Sharpless James L Sharpless L Sharpless James L Sharpless JR James L Sharples JR James Sharpless JR James Sharpless James Sharples JR Shari Sharpless S Sharpless

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James R Sharpless Lawrenceville, Georgia

Address: 238 Omega Dr, Lawrenceville 30044, GA

Age: 69

Phone: (770) 935-8923

Formerly Known Addresses

5555 Rock Garden Ct NW, Lilburn, GA 30047

Aliases & Other Names

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Mr James R Sharpless Mr P Sharpless Mr James R Shapless Mr James Rondern Sharpless

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James H Sharpless Lehigh Acres, Florida

Address: 1502 W 9th St, Lehigh Acres 33972, FL

Age: 71

Phone: (609) 953-1032

Residences from Public Records

392 Indian Mills Rd, Shamong, NJ 08088

Confirmed Public Connections

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James L Sharpless Fontana, California

Address: 15960 Peach Tree Ln, Fontana 92337, CA

Age: 73

Phone: (909) 350-1729

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James I Sharpless Erie, Pennsylvania

Address: 3445 Hastings Rd, Erie 16506, PA

Age: 75

Phone: (814) 881-1611

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James R Sharpless Henderson, Nevada

Address: 2122 King Mesa Dr, Henderson 89012, NV

Age: 76

Phone: (702) 656-2660

Address Records

5009 Maverick St, Las Vegas, NV 89130

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James C Sharpless Lyons, New York

Address: 1979 Shuler Rd, Lyons 14489, NY

Age: 77

Phone: (315) 331-8319

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James R Sharpless Houston, Texas

Address: 11411 Sagemorgan Dr, Houston 77089, TX

Age: 80

Phone: (832) 498-6001

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James Edward Sharpless Hampstead, North Carolina

Address: 160 State Rd 1533, Hampstead 28443, NC

Age: 84

Phone: (910) 329-2051

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James R Sharpless Elba, Alabama

Address: 23526 AL-189, Elba 36323, AL

Age: 90

Phone: (334) 897-2819

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James L Sharpless Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Address: 6595 Pikes Ln, Baton Rouge 70808, LA

Phone: (225) 769-0170

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James L Sharpless Akron, Ohio

Address: 5785 Weaver Rd, Akron 44319, OH

Phone: (330) 882-2446

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James Sharpless Bloomington, California

Address: 10191 Alder Ave, Bloomington 92316, CA

Phone: (714) 877-9476

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James D Sharpless Jacksonville, North Carolina

Address: 410 Country Club Rd, Jacksonville 28546, NC

Phone: (910) 347-6583

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James W Sharpless Centerville, Georgia

Address: 309 Church St, Centerville 31028, GA

Phone: (478) 953-4725

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James D Sharpless Daphne, Alabama

Address: 161 Greenwood Dr, Daphne 36526, AL

Phone: (334) 621-9442

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James L Sharpless Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Address: 809 Maxine Dr, Baton Rouge 70808, LA

Phone: (225) 769-1170

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James W Sharpless Greer, South Carolina

Address: 118 Ticonderoga Dr, Greer 29650, SC

Phone: (864) 879-3348

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James Sharpless Maryland

Address: 832 Bell Manor Rd, 21918, MD

Phone: (443) 731-1470

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James H Sharpless Atco, New Jersey

Address: 717 Maple Ave, Atco 08004, NJ

Phone: (856) 305-7052

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James Sharpless Akron, Ohio

Address: 2787 Linwood Rd, Akron 44312, OH

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James Sharpless Millville, New Jersey

Address: 33 Folson Rd, Millville 08332, NJ

Phone: (856) 447-4541

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James R Sharpless Elba, Alabama

Address: 1527 Highland Dr, Elba 36323, AL

Phone: (334) 897-5157

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