James Murr Public Records (54! founded)
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James S Murr Dayton, Ohio
Address: 3869 Frostwood Dr, Dayton 45430, OH
Age: 40
Possible Cross-Connections
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James Allen Murr Littleton, Colorado
Address: 6250 W Maplewood Pl, Littleton 80123, CO
Age: 44
Listed Associations
Possible family members of James Allen Murr in Littleton, Colorado: parents, siblings, and spouses.
James G Murr Bryan, Texas
Address: 2302 W Briargate Dr, Bryan 77802, TX
Age: 46
Phone: (979) 776-1645
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James C Meyer ◆ James Gmurr ◆ James Murr ◆ James Murray ◆ James Cmeyer ◆ James G Murr ◆ Glenn Murr James ◆ Mr James C Meyer ◆ Mr James G Murr ◆ Mr James Glenn Murr
Possible Cross-Connections
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James Murr Manchester, Tennessee
Address: 196 Indian Springs Cir, Manchester 37355, TN
Age: 46
Phone: (931) 723-0856
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Possible Identity Matches
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James Murr Bedford, Texas
Address: 3329 Derby Cir, Bedford 76021, TX
Age: 47
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James Murr Dickson, Tennessee
Address: 181 Gaskins Rd, Dickson 37055, TN
Age: 56
Phone: (615) 789-3808
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James Ollie Murr Lewisville, North Carolina
Address: 433 Roller Mill Dr, Lewisville 27023, NC
Age: 58
Phone: (336) 946-1307
Associated Names
Some recorded relatives of James Ollie Murr in Lewisville, North Carolina include parents and siblings.
James O Murr Jr Colden, New York
Address: 8740 Supervisor Ave, Colden 14033, NY
Age: 58
Phone: (716) 430-8057
Individuals in Record Network
Known family relationships of James O Murr Jr in Colden, New York include parents and siblings.
James R Murr Clermont, Florida
Address: 2868 Beaver Ridge Loop, Clermont 34711, FL
Age: 66
Phone: (352) 346-8947
Family & Associated Records
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James Ray Murr Clermont, Florida
Address: 1776 Nature Cove Ln, Clermont 34711, FL
Age: 66
Phone: (407) 574-1746
Verified Relations
Known family relationships of James Ray Murr in Clermont, Florida include parents and siblings.
James Murr Cosby, Tennessee
Address: 4260 Indian Camp Creek Rd, Cosby 37722, TN
Age: 68
Phone: (423) 748-1843
Recognized Name Matches
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James W Murr Louisiana, Missouri
Address: 13971 Hwy D, Louisiana 63353, MO
Age: 70
Phone: (573) 754-4232
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James A Murr Greenback, Tennessee
Address: 1616 Shults Ln, Greenback 37742, TN
Age: 71
Phone: (865) 856-2276
Previously Registered Addresses
Listed Name Variations
James Murr
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James A Murr Centerville, Georgia
Address: 208 Tumbleweed Cir, Centerville 31028, GA
Age: 77
Phone: (478) 923-3534
Individuals in Record Network
Some known relatives of James A Murr in Centerville, Georgia are listed below.
James A Murr Lake Worth, Florida
Address: 218 Cornell Dr, Lake Worth 33460, FL
Age: 78
Phone: (478) 952-2951
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James Murr Junction, Texas
Address: 1115 Main St, Junction 76849, TX
Age: 80
Phone: (325) 446-2120
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James L Murr Fairfax, Oklahoma
Address: 526 Pixley Rd, Fairfax 74637, OK
Age: 80
Phone: (918) 738-4202
Individuals in Record Network
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James L Murr Granville, Ohio
Address: 279 Potters Ln, Granville 43023, OH
Age: 81
Phone: (740) 503-2607
Documented Associations
Family records of James L Murr in Granville, Ohio may include parents and siblings.
James L Murr Columbus, Ohio
Address: 851 Katherines Ridge Ln, Columbus 43235, OH
Age: 81
Phone: (614) 826-8575
Possible Matches
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James J Murr Louisville, Kentucky
Address: 1693 Cheak St, Louisville 40213, KY
Age: 88
Phone: (502) 459-8408
Potential Name Connections
Family connections of James J Murr in Louisville, Kentucky may include parents, siblings, and partners.
James Murr Bedford, Texas
Address: 3220 Manchester Cir, Bedford 76021, TX
Phone: (817) 354-6914
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James Murr Columbus, Ohio
Address: 394 E Town St, Columbus 43215, OH
Phone: (614) 224-3388
Relevant Record Matches
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James Murr Dallas, Texas
Address: 9611 Baseline Dr, Dallas 75243, TX
Phone: (214) 543-1300
Historical Name Connections
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James C Murr Falls Church, Virginia
Address: 1107 Offutt Dr, Falls Church 22046, VA
Phone: (703) 536-6217
Identified Public Relations
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James L Murr Great Falls, Montana
Address: 6001 Western Dr, Great Falls 59404, MT
Phone: (406) 761-6022
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James J Murr Hagerstown, Maryland
Address: 11415 Greenberry Rd, Hagerstown 21740, MD
Phone: (301) 393-5519
Identified Connections
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James Murr Lakeport, California
Address: 1806 Martin St, Lakeport 95453, CA
Possible Family & Associates
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James Murr Bishop, Texas
Address: 209 E 5th St, Bishop 78343, TX
Phone: (361) 584-1092
Recorded Identity Matches
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James Murr Littleton, Colorado
Address: 22 Foothill Ash, Littleton 80127, CO
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James J Murr Louisville, Kentucky
Address: 2425 Sherry Rd, Louisville 40217, KY
Phone: (502) 638-1308
Identified Connections
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