James Barnas Public Records (10! founded)

Looking for information on James Barnas? We found 10 FREE records.

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James M Barnas Buffalo, New York

Address: 27 Sky Hi Dr, Buffalo 14224, NY

Age: 53

Phone: (716) 677-4671

Last Known Residences

Here you'll find previous addresses connected to this person according to state records.

27 Sky Hi Dr, Buffalo, NY 14224
5 Old Farm Rd, Orchard Park, NY 14127
33 Oschawa Ave, Buffalo, NY 14210
60 Shadow Ln #7, Orchard Park, NY 14127
2 Westview Pl, Orchard Park, NY 14127
5967 Rosewood Terrace, Lake View, NY 14085
7272 Boston State Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075
7311 Milestrip Rd, Orchard Park, NY 14127

Alias & Nicknames

All recorded name variations, including past aliases and nicknames.

James Michael Barnas JR James M Sjr James Barnas James M Barnas James N Barnas JR James W Barnas JR James W Barnas S James M Jr R James Barnas JR James Sjr J Barnas

Documented Associations

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James J Barnas Colorado Springs, Colorado

Address: 16040 Wildhaven Ln, Colorado Springs 80921, CO

Age: 61

Phone: (719) 488-0831

Old Residence Records

Here you'll find previous addresses connected to this person according to state records.

16040 Wildhaven Ln, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
7 Timber Ln #9, Vernon Hills, IL 60061
963 Camden Dr, Lewisville, TX 75067
6038 E Kings Ave, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
2528 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, CA 92010
7 Timber Ln #7, Vernon Hills, IL 60061
26125 W Calhoun Ave, Antioch, IL 60002
2360 S Illinois Ave #A, Carbondale, IL 62903
202 S Orchard Dr, Carbondale, IL 62901
1749 N Vulcan Ave #20, Encinitas, CA 92024

Additional Name Variants

Here you'll find names that may have been used in different records.

Jj Barnas Jamesj Barnas James Barnas Jim Barnas Jame Barnas J Barnas James A Barnas Jim S Barnas James J Barnas Jim J Barnas James Bamas

Confirmed Name Associations

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James E Barnas Brighton, Michigan

Address: 8309 Hilton Rd, Brighton 48114, MI

Age: 64

Shared Name Records

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James E Barnas Brighton, Michigan

Address: 7927 Debora Dr, Brighton 48114, MI

Age: 64

Phone: (810) 220-5953

Former Places Lived

308 N 2nd St, Brighton, MI 48116

Alternate Names & Spellings

Known by other names? This section covers all recorded variations.

Mr James Barnas Mr James Edward Barnas Mr Jim Barnas Mr James E Barnas

Possible Name Matches

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James F Barnas Scottsdale, Arizona

Address: 5242 E Grandview Rd, Scottsdale 85254, AZ

Age: 68

Phone: (602) 570-8925

Relevant Record Matches

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James M Barnas Spring Grove, Illinois

Address: 9708 Dale Ct, Spring Grove 60081, IL

Age: 68

Phone: (630) 542-3805

Identified Connections

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James A Barnas New Lenox, Illinois

Address: 1423 Andrea Dr, New Lenox 60451, IL

Age: 73

Phone: (815) 485-4702

Individuals Possibly Linked

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James R Barnas Lake Zurich, Illinois

Address: 97 Golfview Rd, Lake Zurich 60047, IL

Age: 77

Phone: (847) 767-1970

Identified Connections

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James J Barnas Vernon Hills, Illinois

Address: 7 Timber Ln, Vernon Hills 60061, IL

Phone: (847) 918-0518

Possible Identity Matches

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James D Barnas Spring Grove, Illinois

Address: 9708 Dale Ct, Spring Grove 60081, IL

Phone: (630) 542-3805

Possible Identity Matches

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