Franklin Karnes Public Records (2! founded)
We’ve gathered 2 FREE public records related to Franklin Karnes.
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Franklin S Karnes West Fork, Arkansas
Address: 15017 Woolsey Rd, West Fork 72774, AR
Age: 87
Phone: (479) 839-3896
Addresses Associated with This Person
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Alternate Names & Spellings
Here you'll find all known name changes and spelling variations.
Frank Karnes ◆ William F Karnes ◆ Frank S Karnes ◆ William Karnes ◆ William Franklin Karnes ◆ William S Karnes ◆ Franklin Karnes
Historical Name Connections
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Franklin N Karnes Payson, Arizona
Address: 302 S Brassie Dr, Payson 85541, AZ
Age: 90
Phone: (928) 472-6037
Identified Links
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