Frank Antunes Public Records (15! founded)
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Frank J Antunes Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Address: 204 McCabe St, Dartmouth 02748, MA
Age: 46
Phone: (508) 990-1451
Possible Matches
Known family relationships of Frank J Antunes in Dartmouth, Massachusetts include parents and siblings.
Frank D Antunes Cincinnati, Ohio
Address: 1019 Kreis Ln, Cincinnati 45205, OH
Age: 49
Phone: (513) 921-5545
Address Lookup History
Recorded Family Links
Relatives of Frank D Antunes in Cincinnati, Ohio include parents, siblings, and spouses.
Frank Antunes Norwalk, Connecticut
Address: 36 Alvin Dr, Norwalk 06850, CT
Age: 60
Phone: (203) 845-9607
Old Home Addresses
Recognized Name Matches
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Frank J Antunes Trumbull, Connecticut
Address: 63 Pemberton Dr, Trumbull 06611, CT
Age: 63
Phone: (203) 452-7510
Cross-Checked Individuals
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Frank Antunes Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Address: 95 Ames St, Pawtucket 02861, RI
Age: 64
Phone: (401) 663-1465
Linked Individuals
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Frank Antunes Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Address: 42 Warwick Rd, Pawtucket 02861, RI
Age: 64
Documented Associations
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Frank Antunes Waterbury, Connecticut
Address: 433 Gaylord Dr, Waterbury 06708, CT
Age: 65
Phone: (203) 755-5348
Historical Residence Records
Profiles Connected to Frank Antunes
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Frank M Antunes Cincinnati, Ohio
Address: 3591 Spring Grove Ave, Cincinnati 45223, OH
Age: 75
Family & Associated Records
Relatives of Frank M Antunes in Cincinnati, Ohio include parents, siblings, and spouses.
Frank P Antunes Pine Bush, New York
Address: 151 Van Keuren Ave, Pine Bush 12566, NY
Phone: (845) 744-8557
Recorded Family Links
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Frank J Antunes Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Address: 202 McCabe St, Dartmouth 02748, MA
Phone: (508) 999-5724
Connected Individuals
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Frank Antunes Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Address: 1154 SW Del Rio Blvd, Port Saint Lucie 34953, FL
Phone: (407) 340-3174
Possible Matches
Listed relatives of Frank Antunes in Port Saint Lucie, Florida include family members and spouses.
Frank M Antunes Waterbury, Connecticut
Address: 119 Esther Ave, Waterbury 06708, CT
Phone: (203) 753-9046
Profiles Connected to Frank M Antunes
Family records of Frank M Antunes in Waterbury, Connecticut may include parents and siblings.
Frank Antunes Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Address: 30 Orms St, Pawtucket 02861, RI
Phone: (401) 559-1033
Prior Registered Addresses
Related Name Listings
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Frank Antunes Cincinnati, Ohio
Address: 4526 Innes Ave, Cincinnati 45223, OH
Relationship Records
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Frank Antunes Norwalk, Connecticut
Address: 23 Loundsbury Ave, Norwalk 06851, CT
Phone: (203) 846-0674
Cross-Referenced Individuals
Some known relatives of Frank Antunes in Norwalk, Connecticut are listed below.