Elmo Barnes Public Records (14! founded)

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Yankee Group provides contact details, including addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for Elmo Barnes. See if Elmo Barnes has any linked identities, family members, or associates. Review address history and property records.

Elmo Barnes Chula Vista, California

Address: 1383 Livingston St, Chula Vista 91913, CA

Age: 61

Phone: (619) 934-0108

Past Locations

The addresses below have been recorded in public state records as associated with this individual.

720 Brookstone Rd #204, Chula Vista, CA 91913
10143 Settlers Grove Rd NE, Covington, GA 30014
5349 Manzanares Way, San Diego, CA 92114
446 Alta Rd #5200, San Diego, CA 92179
100 Stone Ridge Way, Covington, GA 30016
1271 S 47th St #101, San Diego, CA 92113
154 Odyssey Turn NW, Conyers, GA 30012
5456 Peachtree Blvd, Chamblee, GA 30341
1271 S 47th St, San Diego, CA 92113
554 7th St, Imperial Beach, CA 91932

Alternate Spellings & Names

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Elmo E Barnes SR Elmo E Barnes JR Barnes Elmo Eugene Elino Barnes Elmo E Barnes Elmo Eugene Barnes Elmo Franklin Barnes Elmo Eugene Barnes JR Eugene E Barnes Melony Barnes Barnes Almo Melony Edwards Eugene Elmo Barnes Elmo Barnes JR Elmo Barnes Barnes Decmo JR Elmoe Barnessrsr Elmoe Barnessrsr JR

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Elmo E Barnes Akron, Ohio

Address: 1140 Greenwood Ave, Akron 44320, OH

Age: 61

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Elmo D Barnes Morehead City, North Carolina

Address: 507 Hedrick Blvd, Morehead City 28557, NC

Age: 64

Phone: (252) 726-3415

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Elmo Barnes Robbins, Illinois

Address: 3210 W 139th St, Robbins 60472, IL

Age: 85

Phone: (708) 239-0176

Prior Home Addresses

The following addresses have been recorded in public records as linked to this individual.

12219 Vincennes Rd #2, Blue Island, IL 60406
15306 Robey Ave #809, Harvey, IL 60426
14437 Chicago Rd, Dolton, IL 60419
13539 S Claire Blvd #16, Robbins, IL 60472

Married & Alternate Names

Elmo Barnes JR Elma Barnes Elmo Barns JR

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Elmo F Barnes San Diego, California

Address: 5349 Manzanares Way, San Diego 92114, CA

Age: 88

Phone: (619) 264-5045

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Elmo L Barnes Lowell, Arkansas

Address: 615 Honeysuckle St, Lowell 72745, AR

Age: 90

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Elmo D Barnes Beaufort, North Carolina

Address: 305 Turner St, Beaufort 28516, NC

Phone: (252) 728-3917

Recorded Relations

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Elmo Barnes Omaha, Nebraska

Address: 9808 Saratoga St, Omaha 68134, NE

Phone: (402) 208-2579

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Elmo Barnes Omaha, Nebraska

Address: 4556 Suburban Dr, Omaha 68157, NE

Phone: (402) 734-0592

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Elmo J Barnes Bush, Louisiana

Address: 79479 Hands Dr, Bush 70431, LA

Phone: (601) 889-1009

Former Residences

25940 Karly Dr, Picayune, MS 39466
79479 Hands Dr, Bush, LA 70431

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Elmo Barnes San Diego, California

Address: 3111 Camino Del Rio N, San Diego 92108, CA

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Elmo S Barnes Livingston, Tennessee

Address: 116 Sells Ln, Livingston 38570, TN

Phone: (931) 823-4269

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Elmo Barnes Mansfield, Texas

Address: 708 San Antonio Trail, Mansfield 76063, TX

Phone: (817) 225-2156

Shared Name Records

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Elmo Barnes Odessa, Texas

Address: 1104 W 24th St, Odessa 79763, TX

Phone: (432) 332-1732

Publicly Listed Relations

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