Elbert Spears Public Records (12! founded)

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Yankee Group has compiled addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for Elbert Spears. Get insights into any aliases, relatives, and known associates associated with Elbert Spears. Review address history and property records.

Elbert Harrison Spears Sayre, Oklahoma

Address: 208 W Elm Ave, Sayre 73662, OK

Age: 50

Phone: (405) 550-5488

Previously Registered Addresses

According to available public data, these are locations tied to this individual.

417 N Howard Ave, Elk City, OK 73644
1404 N 5th St, Sayre, OK 73662
603 S 8th St, Yukon, OK 73099
1000 Cornwell Dr #1, Yukon, OK 73099
1000 Cornwell Dr #124, Yukon, OK 73099
2816 SW 59th St #211, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
1524 SW Binkley St, Oklahoma City, OK 73119

Names Linked to This Profile

Find alternative spellings, former names, and common aliases here.

Elbert H Spearsiii Elbert Spears Bert Spears Elbert Harrison Spears Elbert Spears Harrison Elbert Harrison Spears 3RD Elbert H Spears 3RD Elbert Spears 3RD

Possible Cross-Connections

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Elbert Spears West Paducah, Kentucky

Address: 7171 Lightfoot Rd, West Paducah 42086, KY

Age: 51

Phone: (270) 744-0410

Potential Name Connections

Known relatives of Elbert Spears in West Paducah, Kentucky may include parents and life partners.

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Elbert Spears Charleston, South Carolina

Address: 834 Targave Rd, Charleston 29412, SC

Age: 64

Phone: (843) 495-0664

Identified Connections

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Elbert M Spears Arizona City, Arizona

Address: 10485 W Mission Dr, Arizona City 85123, AZ

Age: 67

Phone: (520) 466-9508

Prior Residences

These locations appear in state and federal records as places connected to this individual.

1011 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
18504 Clarkdale Ave, Artesia, CA 90701
3927 S Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90037
5600 Rickenbacker Rd #1E, Bell, CA 90201
932 N Menze St, Casa Grande, AZ 85122
10914 Benfield Ave, Downey, CA 90241
12940 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
4712 Florence Ave #25, Bell, CA 90201
10908 Hermes St, Norwalk, CA 90650
11025 Benfield Ave, Downey, CA 90241

Former, Current & Alternate Names

A reference for any additional names this person has been linked to.

Marvin Daniel Spears Marvin E Spears Elbert Spears Marvin Spears Albert Spears

Verified Relations

Family records for Elbert M Spears in Arizona City, Arizona include parents, siblings, and partners.

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Elbert Spears Lenoir City, Tennessee

Address: 116 Bussell Ferry Rd, Lenoir City 37771, TN

Age: 68

Relationship Records

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Elbert Spears Lenoir City, Tennessee

Address: 431 Foster Rd, Lenoir City 37771, TN

Age: 68

Phone: (865) 382-7236

Known Individuals

Some relatives of Elbert Spears in Lenoir City, Tennessee include parents, siblings, and life partners.

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Elbert Harrison Spears Sayre, Oklahoma

Address: 701 N 3rd St, Sayre 73662, OK

Age: 71

Phone: (719) 391-0450

Documented Residential History

These addresses have been referenced in public sources as linked to this individual.

1142 Spencer St, Longmont, CO 80501
1601 N College Ave #262, Fort Collins, CO 80524
5055 NE Elliott Cir #181, Corvallis, OR 97330
7005 Grand Valley Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80911
302 N 3rd St, Sayre, OK 73662
3117 Chambers Way, Colorado Springs, CO 80904
500 E Oak St, Fort Collins, CO 80524
7445 Woody Creek Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80911
7005 Grand Valley Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80911
905 Hubbell Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80911

Common Name Variations

Public records sometimes contain multiple name entries – see them here.

Elbert H Rd Spears 3RD Elbert H Sharum Elbert H Spears JR Albert Spears Elbert Spears Albert H Spears Elbert D Spears Elbert Spears Harrison Elbert H Rd Spears Elbert H Spears 3RD Elbert H Spears SR Erbert H Spears SR Elbert Spears SR D Spears

Individuals Possibly Linked

Known relatives of Elbert Harrison Spears in Sayre, Oklahoma may include parents and life partners.

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Elbert Spears Chicago, Illinois

Address: 1653 E 74th Pl, Chicago 60649, IL

Age: 74

Possible Name Matches

Some recorded relatives of Elbert Spears in Chicago, Illinois include parents and siblings.

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Elbert Ray Spears Selma, Alabama

Address: 115 Co Rd 906, Selma 36701, AL

Age: 87

Phone: (334) 872-5423

Recorded Living Locations

According to state records, this person has been connected to these addresses.

115 Co Rd 906, Selma, AL 36701
115 Co Rd 906 #906, Selma, AL 36701
115 Dallas Ave #906, Selma, AL 36701

Also Known As

This section lists known aliases, nicknames, and name variations.

E R Spears Elbert Spears E Spears Ray Spears R Elbert

People with Possible Links

Some of Elbert Ray Spears's relatives in Selma, Alabama include parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Elbert C Spears Florissant, Missouri

Address: 12783 Stoneridge Dr, Florissant 63033, MO

Age: 88

Phone: (314) 355-3631

Address History

These addresses appear in public sources as previously recorded locations for this person.

5960 Bartmer Ave, St Louis, MO 63112
5314 Terry Ave, St Louis, MO 63120
2516 Shirley Ave, Jennings, MO 63136
8954 Whitstone Ct #1F, Jennings, MO 63136
1316 Union Blvd, St Louis, MO 63113
6238 Silver Fox Dr, Florissant, MO 63034
2516 Shirley Ave, Jennings, MO 63136
5320 Terry Ave, St Louis, MO 63120
2925 Werges Ave, Alton, IL 62002

Additional Name Variants

Different names, past aliases, and other recorded name variations.

Eddie C Spears Elbert Spears Eddie Spears Eddie L Spears Elbert C Spears Ed C Spears

Associated Individuals

Known family members of Elbert C Spears in Florissant, Missouri include some relatives and partners.

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Elbert L Spears Pensacola, Florida

Address: 3008 Cedarwood Village Ln, Pensacola 32514, FL

Age: 89

Phone: (850) 478-1530

Historical Relationship Matches

Possible relatives of Elbert L Spears in Pensacola, Florida: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Elbert Spears Scurry, Texas

Address: 14050 County Rd 4077, Scurry 75158, TX

Phone: (972) 452-8270

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