Edward Barr Public Records (185! founded)

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Edward Barr Chicago Ridge, Illinois

Address: 5857 107th Pl, Chicago Ridge 60415, IL

Age: 31

Phone: (708) 663-4227

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Edward Barr Camden, South Carolina

Address: 1820 Fair St, Camden 29020, SC

Age: 44

Phone: (912) 481-8188

Prior Home Locations

According to publicly available data, this person has been connected to these addresses.

33 Shipwatch Rd, Savannah, GA 31410
203 Gentilly Rd, Statesboro, GA 30458
2068 Ion Ave, Sullivan's Island, SC 29482
133 E Hampton St, Camden, SC 29020
67 Peachtree Park Dr NE #101, Atlanta, GA 30309
101 Marvin Ave, Statesboro, GA 30458
3440 Orange Wood Ct, Marietta, GA 30062
1234 E 51st St, Savannah, GA 31404

Alternative Identities & Names

Includes alternative spellings, married names, and other aliases.

Edward W Barr 4TH Wallace Barr Edward W Barriv Edward W Barr Edward W Barriv 4TH Edward Barr 4TH Edward Iv 4TH Edward Iv TH

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Edward E Barr Bronxville, New York

Address: 7 Avon Rd, Bronxville 10708, NY

Age: 59

Phone: (917) 209-4130

Possible Personal Links

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Edward Barr Bridgeport, Connecticut

Address: 405 Taft Ave, Bridgeport 06604, CT

Age: 61

Publicly Listed Past Addresses

234 Shelton St, Bridgeport, CT 06608

Relevant Name Associations

Possible family members of Edward Barr in Bridgeport, Connecticut: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Edward Clarence Barr Akron, Ohio

Address: 2564 Edgebrook Ave, Akron 44312, OH

Age: 62

Individuals Possibly Linked

Possible family members of Edward Clarence Barr in Akron, Ohio: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Edward G Barr Cheboygan, Michigan

Address: 2413 Pinewoods Cir Rd, Cheboygan 49721, MI

Age: 72

Phone: (231) 627-3654

Documented Associations

Possible known family members of Edward G Barr in Cheboygan, Michigan include parents and siblings.

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Edward D Barr Charleston, South Carolina

Address: 2931 Bolton Rd, Charleston 29414, SC

Age: 72

Phone: (843) 769-4243

Address Records

The following addresses appear in state records as associated with this individual.

78 Ashley Hall Plantation Rd #E37, Charleston, SC 29407
78 Ashley Blvd, Charleston, SC 29401
78 Ashley Hall Plantation Rd, Charleston, SC 29407
8 C St, Charleston, SC 29403
2425 Tiffany Dr, Charleston, SC 29414
2350 Sorentrue Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405
9 Percy St, Charleston, SC 29403

Related Name Variants

Edward Barr Ed D Barr Ed Barr

Identified Connections

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Edward J Barr Collingdale, Pennsylvania

Address: 207 MacDade Blvd, Collingdale 19023, PA

Age: 74

Phone: (610) 522-1165

Previously Used Addresses

82 Chester Pike, Darby, PA 19023

Associated Public Records

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Edward B Barr Albuquerque, New Mexico

Address: 12501 Rosemont Ave NE, Albuquerque 87112, NM

Age: 78

Phone: (505) 293-0412

Past & Present Name Matches

Mr Edward B Barr Mr Edward Bennett Barr

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Edward D Barr Charlestown, Maryland

Address: 242 Conestoga St, Charlestown 21914, MD

Age: 79

Phone: (410) 287-3195

Possible Identity Associations

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Edward E Barr SR Burlington, Wisconsin

Address: 165 W Jefferson St, Burlington 53105, WI

Age: 80

Phone: (262) 661-4164

Recorded Addresses

These addresses were retrieved from public records as places associated with this individual.

524 S Cox Rd, Kansasville, WI 53139
988 N Market St, East Palestine, OH 44413
1882 Elm St, Niagara, WI 54151
848 Main St, Niagara, WI 54151

Related Name Variants

This list includes possible aliases, alternative names, and past identities.

Edward Barr Edward E Dcrr Edward E Barr JR Edward E Barr Edward F Barr Ed E Barr

Possible Matches

Possible known family members of Edward E Barr SR in Burlington, Wisconsin include parents and siblings.

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Edward C Barr Brentwood, California

Address: 821 Kramer Ct, Brentwood 94513, CA

Age: 82

Phone: (925) 516-2324

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Edward Leroy Barr Asheboro, North Carolina

Address: 2363 Zoo Pkwy, Asheboro 27205, NC

Age: 82

Phone: (336) 626-6691

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Edward T Barr Buena Vista, Colorado

Address: 301 Alsina St, Buena Vista 81211, CO

Age: 83

Phone: (719) 395-3722

Home Locations from the Past

255 A St, Greenville, SC 29601

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Edward E Barr Bonita Springs, Florida

Address: 26110 Mandevilla Dr, Bonita Springs 34134, FL

Age: 88

Phone: (239) 992-7097

Old Home Addresses

175 Ram Island Dr, Shelter Island, NY 11964

Recognized Name Matches

Known family members of Edward E Barr in Bonita Springs, Florida: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Edward P Barr Cedar Lake, Indiana

Address: 14020 Windsor St, Cedar Lake 46303, IN

Phone: (219) 241-7499

Connected Individuals

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Edward F Barr Chevy Chase, Maryland

Address: 8207 Meadowbrook Ln, Chevy Chase 20815, MD

Phone: (301) 585-4705

Individuals in Record Network

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Edward Barr Boca Raton, Florida

Address: 19641 Back 9 Dr, Boca Raton 33498, FL

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Edward E Barr Battlement Mesa, Colorado

Address: 40 Boulder Ridge Dr, Battlement Mesa 81635, CO

Phone: (970) 285-1075

Associated Public Records

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Edward Barr Caldwell, Idaho

Address: 2113 Glenn Way, Caldwell 83605, ID

Phone: (208) 459-8807

Possible Family & Associates

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Edward J Barr Michigan

Address: 13325 Hickory Rd, 49415, MI

Phone: (616) 842-4643

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Edward Barr Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Address: 120 Fenwick Rd, Cherry Hill 08034, NJ

Cross-Referenced Individuals

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Edward Barr Bear, Delaware

Address: 8 Sparrow Cir, Bear 19701, DE

Phone: (302) 312-3424

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Edward Barr Brecksville, Ohio

Address: 7170 Ashlawn Dr, Brecksville 44141, OH

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Edward H Barr Annandale, Virginia

Address: 7805 Killebrew Dr, Annandale 22003, VA

Phone: (703) 750-1975

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Edward Barr Cambridge, Ohio

Address: 1527 Foster Ave, Cambridge 43725, OH

Phone: (740) 255-5780

People Associated with Edward Barr

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Edward J Barr Baltimore, Maryland

Address: 709 49th St, Baltimore 21224, MD

Phone: (410) 284-5572

Listed Identity Links

Partial list of relatives for Edward J Barr in Baltimore, Maryland: parents, siblings, and partners.

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Edward Barr Bronx, New York

Address: 1052 Teller Ave, Bronx 10456, NY

Phone: (718) 537-6787

Publicly Listed Relations

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Edward Barr Chalfont, Pennsylvania

Address: 163 Pennsylvania Ave, Chalfont 18914, PA

Phone: (215) 280-4773

Connected Records & Names

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Edward L Barr Byesville, Ohio

Address: 10015 Ball Ln, Byesville 43723, OH

Phone: (740) 685-3592

Recognized Name Matches

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