David Swearingen Public Records (126! founded)
Want to see public records on David Swearingen? We found 126 FREE ones.
The Yankee Group records contain addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for David Swearingen. Learn whether David Swearingen has ever been known by another name, and find possible connections. Review address history and property records.
David L Swearingen Austin, Texas
Address: 1900 Forestglade Dr, Austin 78745, TX
Age: 28
Phone: (512) 740-6216
People Associated with David L Swearingen
Known relatives of David L Swearingen in Austin, Texas include family and associated partners.
David J Swearingen Columbus, Ohio
Address: 3345 Plum Creek Dr, Columbus 43219, OH
Age: 28
Connected Individuals
Known relatives of David J Swearingen in Columbus, Ohio include family and associated partners.
David L Swearingen Evansville, Indiana
Address: 3901 Kathleen Ave, Evansville 47714, IN
Age: 30
Possible Family & Associates
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David E Swearingen Brazil, Indiana
Address: 716 S Grant St, Brazil 47834, IN
Age: 35
Phone: (812) 691-6451
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Aliases & Other Names
David Swearingen
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David M Swearingen Bloomington, Illinois
Address: 1 Autumn Ct, Bloomington 61701, IL
Age: 45
Phone: (760) 295-5701
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David Weber ◆ David Swearingen ◆ David Swearinger ◆ David M Swearingen ◆ Davi D Swearingen ◆ Dave Swearingen ◆ David Swearigen
Listed Identity Links
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David Swearingen Bloomington, Illinois
Address: 2704 Westbrook Dr, Bloomington 61705, IL
Age: 48
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David C Swearingen Bloomington, Illinois
Address: 19683 Chelsea Way, Bloomington 61705, IL
Age: 48
Phone: (309) 378-0084
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Some relatives of David C Swearingen in Bloomington, Illinois include parents, siblings, and life partners.
David Swearingen Entiat, Washington
Address: 2350 Albin Dr, Entiat 98822, WA
Age: 51
Phone: (509) 784-7015
Recorded Addresses
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Swearingen C Dave ◆ David Swearingen ◆ Dave C Swearingen ◆ Davi Swearingen ◆ D Swearingen ◆ David C Swearinger ◆ C Dave Swearingen
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David C Swearingen Battlefield, Missouri
Address: 4353 W Forest Ridge Rd, Battlefield 65619, MO
Age: 55
Phone: (417) 891-9903
Last Known Addresses
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David Swearingen ◆ D Swearingen ◆ Davi Swearingen ◆ Dave C Swearingen ◆ David C Swearzngen ◆ Dave Swearingen ◆ David Swearengin ◆ Swearingen Davi
Registered Connections
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David L Swearingen Fernandina Beach, Florida
Address: 95047 Nanny Pl, Fernandina Beach 32034, FL
Age: 55
Phone: (904) 261-0567
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David C Swearingen Gainesville, Virginia
Address: 7531 Rio Grande Way, Gainesville 20155, VA
Age: 56
Phone: (703) 431-3943
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David Swearingen Cottonwood, Idaho
Address: 256 Windy Loop Rd, Cottonwood 83522, ID
Age: 59
Phone: (208) 937-2556
Previously Known Addresses
Nicknames & Aliases
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Davie Swearingen ◆ David Swearingen ◆ Dave Swearingen ◆ Davi Swearingen ◆ David W Swearingin ◆ David Swearingten ◆ Swearingen Davi
Individuals in Record Network
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David Swearingen Bethesda, Maryland
Address: 5307 Augusta St, Bethesda 20816, MD
Age: 63
Phone: (240) 765-0431
Listed Associations
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David E Swearingen Cayce, South Carolina
Address: 1512 Abbott Rd, Cayce 29033, SC
Age: 63
Possible Family & Associates
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David V Swearingen Alamogordo, New Mexico
Address: 1812 Arizona Ave, Alamogordo 88310, NM
Age: 65
Publicly Listed Relations
Available information on David V Swearingen's family in Alamogordo, New Mexico includes close relatives.
David Michael Swearingen Blanchester, Ohio
Address: 405 Depot St, Blanchester 45107, OH
Age: 65
Phone: (937) 382-0850
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David Swearingen ◆ Davi M Swearingen ◆ Davi Swearingen ◆ David M Swearingen ◆ David V Swearingen ◆ Swearingen Davi
Family & Associated Records
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David A Swearingen Galt, California
Address: 765 Bay Heights Dr, Galt 95632, CA
Age: 68
Phone: (916) 924-0394
Prior Living Addresses
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Alternative Public Record Names
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David Swearingen ◆ David L Swearingen ◆ Davida Swearingen ◆ David A Swearingen ◆ David Allen Swearinger
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David V Swearingen Blanchester, Ohio
Address: 121 W Burroughs St, Blanchester 45107, OH
Age: 76
Phone: (937) 313-3937
Former Places Lived
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Nicknames, Aliases & Former Names
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David V Swearinger ◆ David Swearingen ◆ David J Swearingen ◆ Davi Swearingen ◆ David Sweringen ◆ David V Swearingen ◆ Swearingen Davi
Possible Name Matches
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David Swearingen Abilene, Texas
Address: 2202 Crestline Dr, Abilene 79602, TX
Age: 77
Phone: (732) 433-3650
Formerly Recorded Addresses
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David P Sweaingen ◆ David Swearingen ◆ Davi Swearingen ◆ D Swearingen ◆ David P Swearingen ◆ D P Swearingen ◆ Donna Du Menil ◆ Clifton Robertson ◆ Swearingen Davi
Recorded Identity Matches
Known relatives of David Swearingen in Abilene, Texas include family and associated partners.
David Swearingen Bath, Maine
Address: 12 Wesley St, Bath 04530, ME
Age: 79
Identified Links
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David Eugene Swearingen Fairview, Oklahoma
Address: 201 S 5th Ave, Fairview 73737, OK
Age: 81
Phone: (405) 227-4890
Public Records Matches
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David L Swearingen East Peoria, Illinois
Address: 3007 Springfield Rd, East Peoria 61611, IL
Age: 81
Possible Cross-Connections
Some of David L Swearingen's relatives in East Peoria, Illinois include parents, siblings, and spouses.
David Swearingen Daytona Beach, Florida
Address: 1212 Olen Dr, Daytona Beach 32117, FL
Age: 83
Phone: (386) 252-5968
Locations Previously Registered
Other Identities & Nicknames
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Davi Swearingen ◆ David Swearinge ◆ Dave J Swearingen ◆ David Swearingen ◆ Dave Swearingen
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David Swearingen Chicago, Illinois
Address: 2311 N Monticello Ave, Chicago 60647, IL
Age: 86
Phone: (773) 988-5679
Past Residences
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Nicknames & Aliases
David Swearingen ◆ Davida Swearingen ◆ David A Sweringen
Known Connections
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David L Swearingen Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Address: 1417 Montrose Ave, Bethlehem 18018, PA
Age: 87
Phone: (610) 392-4425
Historical Addresses
Aliases & Name Variants
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Davi L Swearingen ◆ David Swearingen ◆ Davi Swearingen ◆ Dave L Swearingen ◆ David L Swearinge ◆ Swearingen Davi
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David R Swearingen Carlsbad, California
Address: 3475 Don Ortega Dr, Carlsbad 92010, CA
Age: 88
Phone: (760) 603-0295
Registered Home Addresses
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Listed Identity Links
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David Swearingen Carrollton, Texas
Address: 4017 St Johns Cir, Carrollton 75010, TX
Phone: (972) 306-1518
Recognized Name Matches
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David Swearingen Bloomington, Illinois
Address: 19472 Nottingham Dr, Bloomington 61705, IL
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David Swearingen Galt, California
Address: 93 Lorna Way, Galt 95632, CA
Phone: (209) 745-0625
Registered Connections
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David Swearingen El Cajon, California
Address: 1662 N Magnolia Ave, El Cajon 92020, CA
Phone: (619) 277-7698
Cross-Referenced Individuals
Possible family members of David Swearingen in El Cajon, California: parents, siblings, and spouses.