Dave Karnes Public Records (2! founded)
A total of 2 FREE public records exist for Dave Karnes.
Contact details such as addresses, phone numbers, and emails for Dave Karnes can be found in Yankee Group results. Find out if Dave Karnes is known by other names and explore potential relatives and associates. Review address history and property records.
Dave Karnes Colorado Springs, Colorado
Address: 1215 W Pikes Peak Ave, Colorado Springs 80904, CO
Age: 65
Phone: (719) 331-6861
Former Residences
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Former & Current Aliases
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Donald D Karnes ◆ David D Karnes ◆ Dave Carns ◆ Donald Karnes ◆ Donald David Karnes ◆ Donald S Karnes
Listed Associations
Check known family history for Dave Karnes in Colorado Springs, Colorado, including relatives and partners.
Dave Karnes Fayetteville, Arkansas
Address: 29 N Main Ave, Fayetteville 72701, AR
Phone: (479) 459-6699
People Associated with Dave Karnes
Partial list of relatives for Dave Karnes in Fayetteville, Arkansas: parents, siblings, and partners.