Burnell Spruel Public Records (2! founded)
Public data search for Burnell Spruel reveals 2 FREE records.
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Burnell W Spruel Irving, Texas
Address: 3524 Finley Rd, Irving 75062, TX
Age: 65
Phone: (318) 588-0742
Known Former Residences
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3626 W College St, Shreveport, LA 71109
3620 W College St, Shreveport, LA 71109
3524 Finley Rd, Irving, TX 75062
Historical Relationship Matches
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Burnell Spruel Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Address: 853 Mallard St, Baton Rouge 70807, LA
Age: 84
Phone: (225) 778-0277
Multiple Names Found
Burnell Spruel Burnell ◆ Burnell Spruell ◆ Burnell Spurel
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