Betty Sturgess Public Records (7! founded)

Looking up Betty Sturgess? Here are 7 FREE public records.

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Betty G Sturgess Charlotte, North Carolina

Address: 6328 Spring Garden Ln, Charlotte 28213, NC

Age: 80

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Betty Goldwire Sturgess Durham, North Carolina

Address: 3510 Mossdale Ave, Durham 27707, NC

Age: 81

Phone: (919) 489-3398

Locations Previously Registered

These locations have appeared in state records as previously associated with this person.

3415 S Alston Ave, Durham, NC 27713
5795 Pecan Grove, Ellenwood, GA 30294
3011 N Duke St, Durham, NC 27704
615 E Hammond St, Durham, NC 27704
2455 S Alston Ave, Durham, NC 27713
301 Cherry Grove St, Durham, NC 27703
2775 N State Hwy 360 Service Rd E #436, Grand Prairie, TX 75050
1101 Ridge Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32305
5747 Joyce Dr, Charlotte, NC 28215
1005 Medina St, Durham, NC 27707

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Betty G Sturges Betty Sturgis Betty Sturgess Betty Goldwire Sturgess Bethy C Sturgess Betty Sturges B Sturgess Ms Bety G Sturgess Ms Betty G Sturgess Ms Betty G Sturges Ms Betty Sturges Ms Betty Sturgen Ms Betty Strugess Ms Betty Goldwire sturgess Ms Beety Sturgess

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Betty Sturgess Mableton, Georgia

Address: 59 Vinings Lake Dr SW, Mableton 30126, GA

Age: 85

Phone: (770) 819-8944

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Betty R Sturgess Sacramento, California

Address: 4664 65th St, Sacramento 95820, CA

Phone: (916) 457-8561

Identified Connections

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Betty G Sturgess Durham, North Carolina

Address: 609 Linwood Ave, Durham 27701, NC

Phone: (919) 680-0681

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Betty Sturgess Durham, North Carolina

Address: 3510 Mossdale Ave, Durham 27707, NC

Phone: (919) 493-7793

Possible Registered Names

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Betty Sturgess Durham, North Carolina

Address: 3610 Thornwood Dr, Durham 27703, NC

Phone: (919) 680-0681

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