Betty Farrel Public Records (2! founded)

We located 2 FREE public records related to Betty Farrel.

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Betty C Farrel Durham, North Carolina

Address: 3903 Colorado Ave, Durham 27707, NC

Age: 87

Phone: (703) 478-6909

Previous Places of Residence

Public data lists these addresses as locations connected to this person.

4309 Waterbury Rd, Raleigh, NC 27604
108 Wilderness Dr, Locust Grove, VA 22508
35059 Germanna Heights Dr #5, Locust Grove, VA 22508
11609 Vantage Hill Rd #22B, Reston, VA 20190
205 River Park Dr, Great Falls, VA 22066

Possible Name Matches

Betty Farrel Bettie C Farrel

Noteworthy Associations

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Betty J Farrel Thousand Oaks, California

Address: 1451 El Monte Dr, Thousand Oaks 91362, CA

Phone: (805) 495-2060

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