Barry Halter Public Records (7! founded)
We have compiled 7 FREE public records for Barry Halter.
Yankee Group offers access to Barry Halter's addresses, phone numbers, and email contacts. Uncover aliases, potential relatives, and connections associated with Barry Halter. Review address history and property records.
Barry Lynn Halter Statesville, North Carolina
Address: 201 State Rd 1926, Statesville 28625, NC
Age: 39
People with Possible Links
Possible relatives of Barry Lynn Halter in Statesville, North Carolina: parents, siblings, and spouses.
Barry Halter Woodburn, Indiana
Address: 4101 Ort Dr, Woodburn 46797, IN
Age: 49
Phone: (419) 852-9823
Associated Individuals
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Barry Halter Rolling Prairie, Indiana
Address: 8202 E 350 N, Rolling Prairie 46371, IN
Age: 71
Phone: (219) 741-4510
Other Known Names
Mr Barry Wayne Halter ◆ Mr Barry W Halter
Confirmed Name Associations
Some known relatives of Barry Halter in Rolling Prairie, Indiana are listed below.
Barry Lynn Halter Statesville, North Carolina
Address: 228 Deerchase Cir, Statesville 28625, NC
Age: 72
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Barry L Halter Jacksonville, Florida
Address: 622 Bird Rd, Jacksonville 32218, FL
Age: 72
Phone: (904) 757-7475
Potential Personal Associations
Known family members of Barry L Halter in Jacksonville, Florida: parents, siblings, and spouses.
Barry L Halter Statesville, North Carolina
Address: 363 Mocksville Hwy, Statesville 28625, NC
Age: 73
Listed Associations
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Barry Halter Fleming Island, Florida
Address: 1783 Chatham Village Dr, Fleming Island 32003, FL
Phone: (904) 803-4313
Family & Associated Records
Some recorded relatives of Barry Halter in Fleming Island, Florida include parents and siblings.