Audra Barr Public Records (6! founded)
Searching for Audra Barr? We gathered 6 FREE public records.
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Audra Barr Bridgeport, Connecticut
Address: 774 Shelton St, Bridgeport 06608, CT
Age: 33
Phone: (203) 260-0281
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Audra S Barr Bridgeport, Connecticut
Address: 28 Memory Ln, Bridgeport 06606, CT
Age: 33
Phone: (203) 522-8772
Possible Registered Names
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Audra Barr Cumming, Georgia
Address: 5025 Bucknell Trace, Cumming 30028, GA
Age: 52
Phone: (770) 781-4552
Residential History
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Aliases, Nicknames & Other Names
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Audra Oxley ◆ Audra Helms ◆ Audra Barr ◆ Audra K Oxley ◆ Audra Kp Oxley ◆ Audra P Oxley ◆ Audra K P Oxley ◆ Audra O Oxley-Barr ◆ Barr Audra Oxley ◆ Kp A Oxley ◆ Audra Oxley-Barr ◆ Audra O'barr ◆ Audra O Barr ◆ Audra K Barr ◆ Robert M Clark
Recorded Relations
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Audra O Barr Lula, Georgia
Address: 750 C Jordan Rd, Lula 30554, GA
Age: 53
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Audra Barr Grand Prairie, Texas
Address: 4733 Winding Creek Dr, Grand Prairie 75052, TX
Age: 55
Phone: (817) 449-2141
Recorded Living Locations
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Names Previously Used
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Audra Denise Boyce ◆ Audra Boyce ◆ Audra D Barr ◆ Audra Denise Barr ◆ A Boyce ◆ Audra D Hopkins
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Audra E Barr Pine Grove, West Virginia
Address: 7204 N Fork Rd, Pine Grove 26419, WV
Age: 86
Phone: (304) 889-2345
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