Arthur Stange Public Records (11! founded)

Searching for Arthur Stange? We found 11 public records.

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Arthur Stange Tulsa, Oklahoma

Address: 708 N Delaware Pl, Tulsa 74110, OK

Age: 58

Phone: (405) 372-5703

Past Residences

The following addresses appear in state records as associated with this individual.

59 N College Ave, Tulsa, OK 74110
201 S West St #3, Stillwater, OK 74074
714 S Bixby St, Sapulpa, OK 74066
1815 W 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK 74074
319 W 9th Ave #4, Stillwater, OK 74074

Alternative Names

A list of known alternate names, including nicknames and maiden names.

Arthur Stange Arthure Stange Arthur E Stange Arthur E Strange

Known Connections

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Arthur Edward Stange Campbell, California

Address: 235 W Latimer Ave, Campbell 95008, CA

Age: 70

Phone: (408) 221-9777

Formerly Known Addresses

Public data lists these addresses as locations connected to this person.

36543 San Pedro Dr #283, Fremont, CA 94536
3037 Kaiser Dr #F, Santa Clara, CA 95051
945 Castlewood Dr #3, Los Gatos, CA 95032
1311 Happy Valley Ave, San Jose, CA 95129
980 Rose Ct, Santa Clara, CA 95051
1459 Woodgrove Square, San Jose, CA 95117
752 Springfield Dr, Campbell, CA 95008
565 W Hacienda Ave, Campbell, CA 95008
1046 S Winchester Blvd #8, San Jose, CA 95128
1206 Traughber St, Milpitas, CA 95035

Alias & Nicknames

Aliases, misspellings, and other possible name variations.

Arthur Stange Arthur E Stange Arthure Stange Arthur Stang Arthur Stnge

Potential Name Connections

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Arthur Stange Durham, North Carolina

Address: 6620 Deerview Trail, Durham 27712, NC

Age: 80

Phone: (919) 702-0312

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Arthur V Stange Toledo, Ohio

Address: 5424 Homeland Dr, Toledo 43611, OH

Age: 82

Phone: (419) 729-4726

Connected Individuals

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Arthur Stange Glendale, Wisconsin

Address: 2610 W Michael Dr, Glendale 53209, WI

Age: 82

Phone: (414) 540-9885

Connected Individuals

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Arthur H Stange Hinsdale, Illinois

Address: 615 Harding Rd, Hinsdale 60521, IL

Age: 82

Phone: (630) 325-0455

Historical Addresses

This section lists addresses that public records have associated with this individual.

6801 Alabama Ave, Darien, IL 60561
1513 W Fullerton Ave #2, Chicago, IL 60614
615 Harding Rd, Hinsdale, IL 60521
821 Burlington Ave, Western Springs, IL 60558

Additional Name Records

Arthur Stange

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Arthur L Stange Milpitas, California

Address: 1206 Traughber St, Milpitas 95035, CA

Phone: (408) 946-2620

Prior Registered Addresses

724 N Mathilda Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
822 W Evelyn Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Possible Alternate Names

Known by other names? This section covers all recorded variations.

Al L Stange Art L Stange Art Stange Arthur Stange A L Stange

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Arthur H Stange Clarendon Hills, Illinois

Address: 33 Oxford Ave, Clarendon Hills 60514, IL

Phone: (630) 986-9578

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Arthur E Stange Durham, North Carolina

Address: 5536 State Rd 2352, Durham 27712, NC

Phone: (919) 383-4530

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Arthur Stange Louisville, Colorado

Address: 931 W Alder St, Louisville 80027, CO

Phone: (719) 213-4534

Possible Identity Matches

Known family members of Arthur Stange in Louisville, Colorado include some relatives and partners.

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Arthur Stange Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Address: 3328 N Cramer St, Milwaukee 53211, WI

Phone: (414) 573-5002

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