Anita Kaufman Public Records (53! founded)

Curious about Anita Kaufman? We’ve found 53 public records!

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Anita Kaufman Des Moines, Washington

Address: 23431 25th Ave S, Des Moines 98198, WA

Age: 46

Phone: (267) 323-2282

Prior Home Locations

This section lists addresses that public records have associated with this individual.

2104 N 54th St #301, Seattle, WA 98103
3233 NE 87th St, Seattle, WA 98115
304 NE 50th St, Seattle, WA 98105
150 Sumac St #3R, Philadelphia, PA 19128
150 Sumac St #3R, Philadelphia, PA 19128
8909 Alton St #2, Philadelphia, PA 19115
3617 Red Lion Rd #1, Philadelphia, PA 19114
1112 Bluemont Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502
1420 Poyntz Ave #B, Manhattan, KS 66502
3719 Wyoming St #2, Kansas City, MO 64111

Known Aliases & Past Names

All recorded name variations, including past aliases and nicknames.

Anita Kaufman Anita P Kaufman Annett Kaufman Anita Kauffman

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Anita Louise Kaufman Carney, Oklahoma

Address: 306 Shady Ln, Carney 74832, OK

Age: 57

Phone: (405) 865-2605

Former Places Lived

The following addresses appear in state records as associated with this individual.

6321 Leonard St, Philadelphia, PA 19149
801 S Sandy Ln, Chandler, OK 74834
515 E Maple Ave, Ponca City, OK 74601

Other Known Names

Known by other names? This section covers all recorded variations.

Anita L Granger Anita Kaufman Anita L Kaufman Anita Kauffman

Possible Name Matches

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Anita Kaufman Inglewood, California

Address: 604 S Osage Ave, Inglewood 90301, CA

Age: 62

Phone: (323) 282-6347

Former Places Lived

6 Inspiration Point, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Past & Present Name Matches

Includes alternative spellings, married names, and other aliases.

Allen J Chad Cindy A Rinaldi Cynthia A Glowczewsky Cindy A Brocato Cynthia Rinaldi

Possible Name Matches

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Anita Kaufman Los Angeles, California

Address: 2025 Van Wick St, Los Angeles 90047, CA

Age: 62

Phone: (818) 895-1256

Formerly Known Addresses

This section lists addresses that public records have associated with this individual.

2107 Alsace Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90016
3717 South La Brea Ave #1961-05-046, Los Angeles, CA 90016
2107 Alsace Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90016
3430 Farmdale Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90016
17519 Bauchard Ct, Carson, CA 90746
2507 29th St, Santa Monica, CA 90405
1465 W 37th Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90018
3717 South La Brea Ave #286, Los Angeles, CA 90016
127 E 97th St, Los Angeles, CA 90003
152 Armstrong Way, Upland, CA 91786

Known By Other Names

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Antia Kaufman Anita F Kaufman Anita Fields Kaufman Anita Y Kaufman Anita Fields Anita Kausman Kaufman A Fields Anita Koufman Baby Anita Kaufman Anita Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Ms Baby Anita Kaufman Ms Anita Fields Ms Anita Fields Kaufman Ms Kaufman A Fields Ms Anita F Kaufman Ms Anita Koufman Ms Anita F Kausfman Ms Anita Kausman

Potential Name Connections

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Anita Kaufman Los Angeles, California

Address: 12316 S Halldale Ave, Los Angeles 90047, CA

Age: 63

Possible Registered Names

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Anita A Kaufman Los Angeles, California

Address: 9131 Burnet Ave, Los Angeles 91343, CA

Age: 65

Phone: (818) 935-3823

Old Home Addresses

This list contains addresses from public databases where this individual has been mentioned.

2113 S Marvin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90016
6205 8th Ave #6, Los Angeles, CA 90043
9131 Burnet Ave #2, North Hills, CA 91343

Aliases & Other Names

Anita Kaufman

Recognized Name Matches

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Anita Theresa Kaufman Hilliard, Ohio

Address: 5599 Crystal Falls St, Hilliard 43026, OH

Age: 72

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Anita R Kaufman Converse, Texas

Address: 7214 Misty Ridge Dr, Converse 78109, TX

Age: 73

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Anita J Kaufman Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

Address: 1126 Bryn Tyddyn Dr, Gladwyne 19035, PA

Age: 80

Phone: (610) 525-6119

Former Addresses

Based on public records, this person has been linked to the addresses listed here.

10001 E Calle De Las Brisas, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
20802 N 38th Pl, Phoenix, AZ 85050
1327 Hagys Ford Rd, Penn Valley, PA 19072
409 Villanova Rd, Glassboro, NJ 08028
115 Woods Ln, Wayne, PA 19087

Nicknames, Aliases & Former Names

Anita Kauffman Anita Kaufman A Kaufman

Linked Individuals

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Anita L Kaufman Boynton Beach, Florida

Address: 39 Eastgate Dr, Boynton Beach 33436, FL

Age: 82

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Anita Levy Kaufman Cranston, Rhode Island

Address: 85 Crest Dr, Cranston 02921, RI

Age: 82

Phone: (401) 789-1289

Publicly Listed Past Addresses

These addresses have been recorded in state and federal public records for this person.

60 Starfish Dr, Narragansett, RI 02882
62 Starfish Dr, Narragansett, RI 02882
39 Eastgate Dr #B, Boynton Beach, FL 33436
15 Annual Dr, Cranston, RI 02920
103 W Blue Ridge Rd, Cranston, RI 02920
8 Oaks Ln, Boynton Beach, FL 33436

Associated Names & Nicknames

This section lists known aliases, nicknames, and name variations.

Anita Kaufman A Kaufman Lurhea B Wilde Lureah Davis

Relevant Name Associations

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Anita L Kaufman Cape Coral, Florida

Address: 2227 Cape Coral Pkwy W, Cape Coral 33914, FL

Age: 84

Phone: (239) 634-7695

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Anita E Kaufman Hicksville, New York

Address: 24 Peachtree Ln, Hicksville 11801, NY

Age: 85

Phone: (516) 383-4906

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Anita Kaufman Boynton Beach, Florida

Address: 7954 Laina Ln, Boynton Beach 33437, FL

Age: 86

Phone: (561) 733-4107

Last Known Addresses

These addresses were retrieved from government and publicly available databases.

48 Amherst Rd, Beverly, MA 01915
7069 Golf Colony Ct #204, Lake Worth, FL 33467
7954 Laina Ln #4, Boynton Beach, FL 33437

Formerly Known As

This list includes possible aliases, alternative names, and past identities.

Anita Kaufman A Kaufman Anita H Kaufman Anita T Kaufman

Registered Connections

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Anita H Kaufman Boynton Beach, Florida

Address: 7954 Laina Ln, Boynton Beach 33437, FL

Age: 87

Phone: (561) 733-4107

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Anita Kaufman Grafton, Massachusetts

Address: 96 Pleasant St, Grafton 01519, MA

Age: 87

Phone: (305) 932-2874

Recorded Living Locations

This list includes known addresses connected to this person based on available public data.

6 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL 32174
366 Mauro Rd, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
3600 Mystic Pointe Dr #1908, Aventura, FL 33180
3600 Mystic Pointe Dr #8, Aventura, FL 33180
459 Willard St #302, Quincy, MA 02169
366 Mauro Rd, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
6952 Keplar Dr, Melbourne, FL 32940

Other Known Names

All recorded name variations, including past aliases and nicknames.

Ttee Anita Kaufman Anita Anita Kaufman Ms Anita Kaufmann

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Anita Kaufman Boca Raton, Florida

Address: 300 NE 5th Ave, Boca Raton 33432, FL

Age: 87

Phone: (561) 367-6895

Prior Home Locations

300 SE 5th Ave #5020, Boca Raton, FL 33432
5233 Suffolk Dr, Boca Raton, FL 33496

Additional Name Variants

All recorded name variations, including past aliases and nicknames.

Ms Penthouse D Kaufman anita Ms Anite Kaufman Ms Anita L Kaufman Ms Anita K Attn

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Anita P Kaufman Burlington, Kansas

Address: 724 W Kennebec St, Burlington 66839, KS

Age: 89

Phone: (620) 364-5757

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Anita M Kaufman Lake Worth, Florida

Address: 3646 Willa Way, Lake Worth 33467, FL

Phone: (561) 966-8109

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Anita Kaufman Long Beach, New York

Address: 46 Illinois Ave, Long Beach 11561, NY

Phone: (561) 478-3658

Old Residence Records

68 Somerset D, West Palm Beach, FL 33417

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Anita E Kaufman Hull, Massachusetts

Address: 48 Clifton Ave, Hull 02045, MA

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Anita N Kaufman Irvine, California

Address: 176 Streamwood, Irvine 92620, CA

Phone: (714) 389-4024

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Anita Kaufman Columbus, Ohio

Address: 1022 Hartford Village Blvd, Columbus 43228, OH

Phone: (419) 306-3941

Public Records Matches

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Anita Kaufman Chandler, Oklahoma

Address: 801 S Sandy Ln, Chandler 74834, OK

Phone: (405) 865-2605

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Anita E Kaufman Dedham, Massachusetts

Address: 19 Sanderson Ave, Dedham 02026, MA

Phone: (781) 326-3778

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Anita H Kaufman Beverly, Massachusetts

Address: 48 Amherst Rd, Beverly 01915, MA

Phone: (978) 927-2273

Possible Relations

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Anita Kaufman Buffalo, New York

Address: 21 Fairmount Ave, Buffalo 14223, NY

Phone: (716) 873-1649

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Anita T Kaufman Findlay, Ohio

Address: 2416 Westmoor Rd, Findlay 45840, OH

Phone: (419) 425-4409

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Anita Kaufman Elgin, Illinois

Address: 3681 Heathmoor Dr, Elgin 60124, IL

Phone: (847) 485-8140

Recorded Living Locations

4464 Lincoln Ave, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

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Anita Kaufman Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Address: 167 Meadowlake Dr, Downingtown 19335, PA

Phone: (610) 659-7984

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