Alice Devine Public Records (46! founded)

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Alice J Devine Hudson, New Hampshire

Address: 14 Summer Ave, Hudson 03051, NH

Age: 54

Phone: (603) 893-6063

Documented Residential History

These locations appear in state and federal records as places connected to this individual.

4 Pinyon Place, Derry, NH 03038
23 Linlew Dr #3, Derry, NH 03038
14 Woodlawn Ave, Atkinson, NH 03811
2 Settlement Rd, Sandown, NH 03873
25 Glenwood North Rd #20, Hampstead, NH 03841
68 Forrest St #1C, Plaistow, NH 03865
19420 Marilla St, Northridge, CA 91324
4 2nd St, Sandown, NH 03873
109 Hampshire Rd, Methuen, MA 01844
20 Dyer Ave, Salem, NH 03079

Former & Current Aliases

A collection of names that this individual may have been known by.

Alice J Devine Alice J Laudani Alice J Frazzetta A Devine Alice J Deleon Alice Devine Ms Alice Iaudani Ms Alice J Devine Ms Alice J Frazzetta Ms Alice J Laudani

Individuals Possibly Linked

Possible known family members of Alice J Devine in Hudson, New Hampshire include parents and siblings.

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Alice J Devine Cumberland, Rhode Island

Address: 10 Merrill Ln, Cumberland 02864, RI

Age: 62

Phone: (401) 339-1882

Previous Addresses

This section lists addresses that public records have associated with this individual.

47 School St, Johnston, RI 02919
70 Turner St #5B, Warwick, RI 02886
752 Greenville Ave, Johnston, RI 02919
4 W View Dr, Coventry, RI 02816
286 Park Pl, Woonsocket, RI 02895
98 Merino St, Providence, RI 02909
55 Wilbur Ave #9, Cranston, RI 02920
40 Thomas St, Charlestown, RI 02813

Alternative Names

Includes alternative spellings, married names, and other aliases.

Alice J Livesley Alice Devine Alice J Libesley Alice C Livesley Alice L Livesley Alice Livesley

Possible Relations

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Alice Devine Leawood, Kansas

Address: 9215 Belinder Rd, Leawood 66206, KS

Age: 67

Phone: (913) 341-1807

Additional Name Variants

Ms Alice M Herrera Ms Alice M Faber Ms Alice M Devine

Potential Personal Associations

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Alice B Devine Pennsylvania

Address: 323 Margaretta Ave, 19006, PA

Age: 72

Phone: (215) 379-3303

Past Residences

Listed below are addresses associated with this individual based on public records.

323 Margaretta Ave, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
6123 Alma St, Philadelphia, PA 19149
3425 H St, Philadelphia, PA 19134
3425 St Vincent St, Philadelphia, PA 19149

Married & Alternate Names

Alice Devina Alice Devine Alice D Devine

Known Connections

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Alice L Devine Houston, Texas

Address: 718 Trademark Pl, Houston 77079, TX

Age: 73

Phone: (832) 379-0645

Past Mailing Addresses

Records from public sources indicate that these addresses have been linked to this person.

7022 Pine Vista Ln, Houston, TX 77092
8520 Sweetwater Ln #A3, Houston, TX 77037
8323 Southwest Fwy, Houston, TX 77074
8302 Timbermoss Ct, Cypress, TX 77433

Listed Name Variations

Nicknames, legal name changes, and common spelling variations.

Louise S Devine Louise Devine Louise Devine Smith Alice Devine Alice Devi

Possible Identity Associations

Family records for Alice L Devine in Houston, Texas include parents, siblings, and partners.

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Alice E Devine Lincolnville, Maine

Address: 24 Devine Dr, Lincolnville 04849, ME

Age: 76

Phone: (207) 763-3010

Recorded Identity Matches

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Alice B Devine Carson, California

Address: 21425 Avalon Blvd, Carson 90745, CA

Age: 76

Phone: (310) 689-8692

Residences on Record

This section contains previously registered addresses found in state databases.

3107 San Gabriel Blvd #TRLR1, Rosemead, CA 91770
364 S Willard Ave, San Gabriel, CA 91776
10017 Shiloh Heights St, Las Vegas, NV 89178
1099 W Capitol Dr #314, San Pedro, CA 90731
6242 Warner Ave #2C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
1656 Lomita Blvd #1, Harbor City, CA 90710
2718 E 221st St, Carson, CA 90810
225 W Carriagedale Dr, Carson, CA 90745
2622 E Carson St #7, Carson, CA 90810
23024 Moneta Ave, Carson, CA 90745

Different Names Used

Different spellings and name variations recorded in public data.

Alice B Carter Alice B Ccarter Alice Devine Alice Bea Gay A Devine Alice Carter Devine Alice Bea Gay Alice Vine

Public Records Matches

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Alice B Devine Carson, California

Address: 21425 S Avalon Blvd, Carson 90745, CA

Age: 76

Phone: (310) 689-8692

Confirmed Public Connections

Possible relatives of Alice B Devine in Carson, California: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Alice C Devine Medford, New Jersey

Address: 64 Manhasset Trail, Medford 08055, NJ

Age: 79

Identified Links

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Alice Christopher Devine Lincolnton, North Carolina

Address: 231 Westview Dr, Lincolnton 28092, NC

Age: 82

Phone: (704) 607-7368

People with Possible Links

Family records of Alice Christopher Devine in Lincolnton, North Carolina may include parents and siblings.

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Alice P Devine Mohave Valley, Arizona

Address: 10142 Carol Cir, Mohave Valley 86440, AZ

Age: 84

Phone: (818) 993-5522

Historical Residence Listings

Based on public records, this person has been linked to the addresses listed here.

189 Strone St, Henderson, NV 89012
14 Woodlawn Ave, Atkinson, NH 03811
19420 Marilla St, Northridge, CA 91324
9544 Casaba Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311

Similar Name Listings

A list of known alternate names, including nicknames and maiden names.

Alice Devine Alicie Patricia Devine Alice P Devine Patricia Devine Alicie

Possible Family & Associates

Family records for Alice P Devine in Mohave Valley, Arizona include parents, siblings, and partners.

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Alice D Devine Anchorage, Alaska

Address: 2115 Turnagain Pkwy, Anchorage 99517, AK

Age: 88

Phone: (907) 248-0158

Possible Identity Matches

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Alice M Devine Holbrook, Massachusetts

Address: 16 Abington Ave, Holbrook 02343, MA

Age: 88

Phone: (781) 278-3100

Old Home Addresses

These addresses were retrieved from government and publicly available databases.

5301 Flint St, Zephyrhills, FL 33542
16 Abington Ave #2L, Holbrook, MA 02343
16 Abington Ave, Holbrook, MA 02343
5301 Flint St, Zephyrhills, FL 33542
4 Birchcroft Rd, Canton, MA 02021
296 N Franklin St, Holbrook, MA 02343

Also Known As

Alice M Devine Alice Devine Ms Alice M Devine

Recognized Name Matches

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Alice M Devine Moorestown, New Jersey

Address: 620 E Main St, Moorestown 08057, NJ

Age: 90

Phone: (609) 234-6306

Residences on Record

Public data suggests these addresses have been linked to this person over time.

3511 Perenosa Bay Dr, Anchorage, AK 99515
8 Sequoia Ct, Marlton, NJ 08053
138 New Albany Rd, Moorestown, NJ 08057

Additional Name Variants

Alice Devine

Public Records Matches

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Alice E Devine Milton, Massachusetts

Address: 15 Whitman Rd, Milton 02186, MA

Age: 90

Phone: (617) 698-0174

Potential Name Connections

Known family members of Alice E Devine in Milton, Massachusetts include some relatives and partners.

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Alice R Devine Norwalk, Connecticut

Address: 1 Pequot Dr, Norwalk 06855, CT

Phone: (203) 853-0770

Possible Identity Matches

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Alice J Devine Holland, Michigan

Address: 2972 152nd Ave, Holland 49424, MI

Phone: (616) 566-8947

Historical Relationship Matches

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Alice J Devine Holland, Michigan

Address: 16536 James St, Holland 49424, MI

Phone: (616) 399-8545

Recorded Relations

Known family members of Alice J Devine in Holland, Michigan: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Alice Devine Amityville, New York

Address: 39 Brewster Ln, Amityville 11701, NY

Phone: (631) 575-7417

Listed Identity Links

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Alice C Devine Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Address: 4504 N 48th St, Milwaukee 53218, WI

Phone: (414) 462-9839

Locations Previously Registered

Records from public databases suggest these addresses have been tied to this individual.

4527 W Bradley Rd, Brown Deer, WI 53223
4527 W Bradley Rd, Brown Deer, WI 53223
4527 W Bradley Rd, Brown Deer, WI 53223

Other Identities & Nicknames

Alice Devine Alice C Devin

Possible Personal Links

Some relatives of Alice C Devine in Milwaukee, Wisconsin include parents, siblings, and life partners.

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Alice Devine Beech Island, South Carolina

Address: 12564 Atomic Rd, Beech Island 29842, SC

Phone: (706) 755-5371

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Alice Devine Monson, Massachusetts

Address: 31 State St, Monson 01057, MA

Phone: (413) 563-0701

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Alice Devine Bronx, New York

Address: 4414 Cayuga Ave, Bronx 10471, NY

Phone: (718) 543-1331

Cross-Checked Individuals

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Alice J Devine Narragansett, Rhode Island

Address: 31 Middle Rd, Narragansett 02882, RI

Phone: (401) 782-0945

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Alice M Devine New Port Richey, Florida

Address: 2719 Cypress Hollow Ct, New Port Richey 34655, FL

Phone: (508) 336-7789

Formerly Recorded Addresses

47 Ferncliffe Rd, Seekonk, MA 02771
2719 Cypress Hollow Ct, New Port Richey, FL 34655

Name History & Changes

Alice Devine Alice N Devine

Recorded Identity Matches

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Alice Devine New York, New York

Address: 18 W 83rd St, New York 10024, NY

Individuals Linked to Alice Devine

Possible family members of Alice Devine in New York, New York: parents, siblings, and spouses.

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Alice M Devine Binghamton, New York

Address: 34 Milford St, Binghamton 13904, NY

Phone: (607) 722-7522

Identified Public Relations

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Alice B Devine Louisville, Georgia

Address: 1167 Golf Dr, Louisville 30434, GA

Phone: (478) 625-8601

Relevant Record Matches

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Alice Devine Manitou Beach-Devils Lake, Michigan

Address: 3417 Round Lake Hwy, Manitou Beach-Devils Lake 49253, MI

Phone: (517) 547-8914

Related Name Listings

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Alice W Devine Harrodsburg, Kentucky

Address: 455 Chestnut St, Harrodsburg 40330, KY

Phone: (859) 734-2074

Past Residential Locations

441 Chestnut St, Harrodsburg, KY 40330
722 Martin Ln, Harrodsburg, KY 40330

Public Record Name Variations

Alice Devine

Possible Identity Matches

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