Alice Borders Public Records (16! founded)

Get a glimpse into Alice Borders's public records – 16 FREE results found.

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Alice Borders Radcliff, Kentucky

Address: 481 S Wilson Rd, Radcliff 40160, KY

Age: 64

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Alice Borders Greenwood, Florida

Address: 3512 Sylvania Plantation Rd, Greenwood 32443, FL

Age: 64

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Alice Faye Borders Shelby, North Carolina

Address: 1647 State Rd 1933, Shelby 28150, NC

Age: 75

Phone: (704) 484-1922

Potential Personal Associations

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Alice Borders Campbellsville, Kentucky

Address: 937 Spurlington Rd, Campbellsville 42718, KY

Age: 79

Phone: (270) 465-6107

Publicly Listed Past Addresses

The following addresses appear in state records as associated with this individual.

937 Spurlington Rd, Campbellsville, KY 42718
4100 Springbourne Way, Louisville, KY 40241
2323 Charlestown Pike, Jeffersonville, IN 47130
700 Jamestown St, Columbia, KY 42728
1027 W Indian Trail, Louisville, KY 40213
308 Lancassange Dr, Jeffersonville, IN 47130

Name Variations

All recorded name variations, including past aliases and nicknames.

Alice Borders Alice S Barters Joseph B Martinez Alice F Orders

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Alice F Borders Columbia, Kentucky

Address: 5634 Sparksville Rd, Columbia 42728, KY

Age: 79

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Alice Borders Louisville, Kentucky

Address: 2108 Payne St, Louisville 40206, KY

Age: 81

Phone: (502) 384-1806

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Alice Borders Colville, Washington

Address: 593 Knapp Rd, Colville 99114, WA

Age: 86

Phone: (509) 684-6661

Potential Personal Associations

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Alice M Borders Atlantic, Iowa

Address: 1100 Brookridge Cir, Atlantic 50022, IA

Age: 90

Phone: (712) 243-7745

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Alice M Borders Jackson, Mississippi

Address: 4115 Rainey Rd, Jackson 39212, MS

Phone: (601) 954-3068

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Alice Jane Borders Shelby, North Carolina

Address: 1810 State Rd 2125, Shelby 28150, NC

Phone: (704) 480-1694

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Alice M Borders Spencer, Oklahoma

Address: 3716 Elpizo Cir, Spencer 73084, OK

Phone: (405) 771-3434

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Alice Borders Newnan, Georgia

Address: 373 Poplar Rd, Newnan 30263, GA

Phone: (770) 253-4082

Associated Public Records

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Alice Borders Louisville, Kentucky

Address: 126 Royer Ct, Louisville 40206, KY

Phone: (502) 435-5055

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Alice Borders Lewisville, Texas

Address: 1120 Eastwood Dr, Lewisville 75067, TX

Phone: (334) 379-5803

Profiles Connected to Alice Borders

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Alice Borders Shelby, North Carolina

Address: 305 State Rd 2201, Shelby 28152, NC

Phone: (704) 480-6019

Possible Identity Matches

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Alice L Borders Jackson, Mississippi

Address: 4115 Rainey Rd, Jackson 39212, MS

Phone: (601) 954-3068

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